Barefoot skipping?


May 23, 2013
I was wondering about a bit of barefoot skipping to help avoid the repetition of my tmts problem, if that's what it is. I was thinking that maybe one issue is that I currently drive to the place I run, and once there, maybe that encourages me to do more than I should? At home I can do really small amounts - I can run tiny tiny circuits round my lawn but only have a small paved patio for hard surface. (at present there is NO way I'm running out of my front door!)

This morning before doing my Tai Chi on the grass I grabbed a skipping rope and did a little bit of skipping on the patio. The movement felt pretty much like a forefoot landing running movement, and when I tried running out onto the grass the form felt really good and natural. I think maybe one of my problems that led to the pain was having to think too hard, leading to muscle tension when I was thinking how to land my feet.

If I don't get any pain today, I'm wondering about doing this for a few weeks just to build up the muscles and let the bones get used to it. Does anyone else use skipping as a kind of small space running?
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Hi there,
I have tried to do barefoot skipping but I am one of the uncoordinated types and would constantly miss time the skipping and trip over the rope. It is a lot harder to skip barefoot as you don't have the cushioning from the shoes. Maybe use some thin shoes for skipping before going to barefoot. It would definitely strengthen your feet doing that and you would be able closely monitor any strange pains from your feet rather than have a problem mid way through a run.

I think I'm going pretty much barefoot only now for anything that is a running type gait - the VFFs are good, and very comfortable for walking but I definitely have to think what I am doing in shoes when I try to run, and I think that is causing tension.
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Hi SW, I used to be a boxer so learned to skip quite well, and since starting to run barefoot have enjoyed skipping barefoot as a warm up for barefoot PT sessions. I won't pretend you don't get punished when using a hard/fast rope (ie plastic or leather) if you catch the rope on/between your toes, it's a steep learning curve! But if you can ride the occasional adrenaline rush its a great way to get coordinated and comfortable on your bare feet, as well as strengthening your feet. IMO it is a pretty useful drill, especially if you are reaching capacity with your running.
Good on ya! I think you'll be fine and will build more strength into your feet and legs more quickly than you would just trotting along. I think you've got the "build slowly" lesson well ingrained.

On the running side, look for training videos from the Natural Running Center, that demonstrate some exercises that are sort of bridges between running and skipping. They are designed to open up the hip flexors and encourage quick firing responses from flexors and glutes. (...or something like that - I'm a phydiot, not a physio.
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Thanks, Joseph; it feels like it is going well. I don't know what I will have the opportunity to do next week as I'm staying at a monastery in Yorkshire for a Tai Chi and meditation retreat! I'll take the shipping rope anyway and I'm sure I will be able to get some bf walking in, maybe even go barefoot all week. If not bf inside, I have made myself some huaraches - I did post a pic on another thread.
That's exactly how I'm finding it, Gentile. (just in case there is any transatlantic confusion here, i'm assuming that English 'skipping' is the same thing as American 'jumping rope'.)
Oh. I misunderstood, then.

My wife's a Brit, and I've learned some of the lingo peculiar to your island, but that's one I never encountered. Perhaps it's because she's had a gimpy leg since early childhood and was never one for exercise that actually involved the body, like running or "skipping."

How she maintains her sylph-like figure is a mystery to me.

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