Barefoot running curing ITBS?

saypay45 wrote:"A guy who was

saypay45 said:
"A guy who was training for a 50 miler over there and suffering from ITBS would change his form to include an exaggerated push off whenever his IT band flared up. He said that when he did that, his IT band pain disappeared in a minute or so and he was able to continue his run."

for sure, this is the answer. it's no trick though.

some event (sore toe, cut toe, stubbed toe, who knows?) causes your toes to forget how to be part of your stride. even after the sore toe has healed, people continue to run with an action that leaves out the toe. without the toes, a bunch of muscles are not recruited during your stride and other muscles have to pick up the slack. ITBS comes next.

if you have it just on one side, then you can use your good side to help your bad side remember how to use the toes. Take care though, if you focus too closely on your good side, you'll ruin what it's naturally doing. try to take a 'snapshot' of your good side and then pass some basic info to your bad side. you can do it on walking and on running.

what's most amazing is that the good side will know so much about which toe(s) to use in which order and at which pressure depending on up or down hill, left or right slope, faster or slower running, etc. etc.

even if you have just run to the point where your ITBS stops you from walking, getting your toes involved will instantly remove any sign of ITB pain. even if you injured yourself till you felt like you needed a month off, getting the toes going will have you running the next day.

at first you will need to really dig them in, but don't be greedy...bringing the toes in brings other parts of the leg in which have been 'resting' while you've been ripping up your ITB. be cautious, but not tentative.

if you run to the point that your toes get chewed up, perhaps you could tape the underside?

noakes knows -

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