48 hours away from home and barefoot

Went away this weekend to a men's convention (church related) without all the kids and decided to go barefoot. Arrived at Sunday River Hotel in Maine and checked in barefoot and didn't wear my shoes for the entire time. During the weekend I only got a handful of comments, but no one really quized me on my lack of shoes.

I got a lot of firsts barefoot.

First hotel.

My first hike of 2.6 mile hike up the ski trail, which was gravel, and rocks not a real hiking trail. The other guy I went with didn't blink an eye at my choice of footwear or lack of it. He just simply asked if I was hiking barefoot today, like it was something he saw all the time. I did learn he runs at the gym barefoot occasionally.

First public bathroom, after I checked out and before I left I needed to use the bathroom. My shoes were packed in my vehicle and I had to go, so I went in barefoot. The urinal was wet all around it, I straddled the wetness the best I could. I thought that anything I picked up will be wiped off on the carpet outside. After a while I realized I've been walking on that carpet where everyone in shoes has been wiping off their feet. Once that sunk in, I don't think I'll be as bothered the next time.

First 24 restaurant while at the hotel I ate at one of the eating establishments inside the hotel. Ordered at the counter and they brought my food to me. I was sitting at the end of the table where I am sure my bare feet were easily visible. While at the table eating with Bill's friends I was asked if I went on the hike barefoot and they thought that made me a real hard core hiker. They seem to think I had just done some super human feat, but we all know with a little conditioning anyone can do it.

First Church service, they had several and I had not problems.

They had several seminars, so I guess I attended classes fro the first time barefoot.

First time I've been around a lot of my friends barefoot. They had most of the activities inside, be we did have a big BBQ outside which I attended barefoot as well.

It was really neat being barefoot for so long doing so many different thing and with people I knew. They all seemed to accept the fact that I was barefoot. At least they didn't think I was crazy, oh wait, maybe they do.

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