Mileage Reporting 39th week 2013

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In between deadlift sets!

Sorry, if I reply to this on the giveaway thread I'll be disqualified.
afraid? what kind of Viking are you anyways?:p
8 miles in over 2hr. dog wasn't keeping up so i leashed him for nearly half the run. after that he was fine. came home and he ate right away then passed out. he's still sleeping as i write this late at night and snoring hard! it's funny how such a little dog snores so loud.

Dama, i make the same tuna meal! i add cumin or a spice mix i have with cumin and sea salt.
4 miles in the rain today. It was fun but I don't get as enthused as those Oregonians about running in the rain. .25 mile cool down walk followed by a .25 mile of running backwards. My legs feel great while running backwards, it's like they are relaxing as I'm doing this. Will definitely start doing that again at the end of my runs as cool downs. Might as well make it entertaining for my neighbors as if barefoot running isn't bad enough. :smug:
5 miles today. I thought I better get some barefoot miles in so I will not be shunned from the forum. Cold run, hat, gloves, long sleeves, but I'm not giving up the shorts for tights, not yet.

Not going to post my weekly total yet. Let's see what the evening brings because I just got some new shoes that need a test. OK, now you can shun me.
Had a great run this morning. Temp was 50 degrees. Took some getting used to and started off a bit chilled. Wore the tights and a t shirt with a thin sweat shirt over the t shirt. Warmed up after the first mile and then tied the sweat shirt around my waist. Thought my feet might get cold and turn that piglet pink color like they do when they are approaching their temperature limits but they were fine even in the beginning. If I only had those year round tan feet like Dama I wouldn't have to worry about it. :) Have always figured that the piglet pink color my be terrible advertising for us barefoot runners during cold weather when I meet other people running/walking on the local trails. ;)

Planned on running at least 6.25 miles today but have been wanting to increase my mileage so since the legs and feet seemed to be humming along nicely with the cool temps I decided to push the distance some. Ended up running 8.25 miles followed up with a bit over a mile walk with some stretches here and there. Didn't see much for wildlife but did see the squirrels are packing away their winter stores. Legs muscles were a bit sore afterward but ok. Planning another run tomorrow but lows are to be in the low 40s. That's gonna seem cool. Will probably have the piglet pink feet out tomorrow morning. Maybe I should try some sunless tanner on my feet! :p
I'm going to have to refamiliarise myself with Ordnance Survey maps in the UK as I put nearly two and half miles extra on my run back from a very good pub lunch today. Ended up with a little over fourteen plus a five mile walk to the pub.

Maybe the beer upset my navigation :D
A gentle walk, with my brother-in-law and nephew, along country paths to a pub for lunch and then back to my mother's house where I changed into running gear and went and repeated the route (no second lunch!) - about 22 miles for the day, all minshod, but I only ran 11.
Is there always a pint er 2 included with lunch across the pond :)
4 miles bike-commuting

Friday afternoon
Delts, Traps, Tri's & Forearm ST

Medium grade pump, kind of rushed through the exercises, but I like the way my revamped st workouts now combine the power cleans, which used to be part of my lower body workout, with the military presses. A long time ago I used to do military presses, standing, then add weight for the power cleans, then add weight for deadlifts, slowly decreasing the range of motion, essentially, while increasing the weight. Yesterday I started with power cleans, and then did the military presses seated on the bench.

I posted the revised weekly routine on the Optimal Strength Training for Runners thread. I've uploaded it here too. This was the first week of implementing it, and I think it's a bit better than the old one. As Abide says, 30-40 mpw running, and 3-4 st workouts per week are probably the upper limit on what I can do in terms of time, motivation, and ability to recover. Any more running than that, and I'd probably have to cut down on the st, or vice versa.

Saturday morning
13.79 mi / 22.19 km
68 F / 20C

Woke up at 3am. Nope, too early, went back back to bed. Woke up at 5:30am. OK, let's do it. I ate a banana and a protein bar, drank 3-4 pints of water, and was putting on my running shorts when my toddling son woke up and came to me with outstretched arms. Aw shucks. So I laid down with him on top of me for 20-30 minutes until he was fast asleep again.

I wanted to do a somewhat extended version of the 12-mile route I had attempted six weeks before. On that run, I ended up running 11.58 miles continuously, a PR for me. Today I was able to run 13.79 miles continuously, so I beat the old PR by two miles, and was less than a half mile off from my absolute distance PR.

My legs felt tired for the last several miles, and my left leg felt some strain along the outer length of it, but overall it was a solid run, a good confidence-booster. I probably would've walked the last mile or two, but the 30 minutes I had spent laying down with my son put me a little behind schedule, and I needed to be back by 9am so that my wife could go to her citizenship class. I had also planned on bringing my camera, but having lost 30 minutes, I couldn't really afford to stop. It's a pity. It's an interesting route insofar as it takes you through several different urban habitats: Bourgy city neighborhood, university campus, some fields, suburban neighborhood, two wetlands nature reserves, a couple of lakes, a 'rougher' city neighborhood, and the fairgrounds.

I particularly enjoyed the nature reserve around the halfway mark. I'd never been in there before. I also went north of McCarrons Lake this time, instead of south of it like I did last month, and this was a mistake. North of it you just see people's driveways, south of it you're close to the shore on a bike/pedestrian path. Next time I'll do it that way, but otherwise this route is a definite keeper for a HM-distance run.

13.09.28 McCarrons 13.79.jpg

I had gotten rid of my tofp last night, by continuing to massage my left arch, but now after the run I got a little of it back again. Funny how the arch muscles can cause tofp, but I guess we all know it's all connected. No problem during the run though. It's post-run tightness that's causing it.

The surfaces on this route are 90% pretty smooth, so my soles are superfine.

The bodyglide seems to have done its job; my nips are fine as well (

I ate a fair amount of rice and beans along with my sea bass the night before, so no bonk. I think my energy reserves have finally been replenished post-stomach flu.

So, 33.64 miles on the week:

Mon: 1.5 run-commute/Chest & Bi's ST
Tues: 10.75-run, 1 mile run-commute/Butt, Hips & Legs ST
Wed: 1 mile run-commute, one mile walk-commute/Lats & 'Core' ST
Thurs: 2 miles run-commute
Fri: 3.6-mile run, four miles bike-commute/Delts, Traps, Tri's & Forearm ST
Sat: 13.79 run.

Next week I'll try to do 40 mpw, but with more shorter runs, fewer run-commutes.

Alcohol gets stored as fat and can cause hypoglycemia.
It's national beer day!:


  • ST-4 -- 13.09.24.pdf
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Experience several firsts this morning. 8 mile run/walk. Started at my favorite time of 5am. The heavins were overcast reflecting plenty of light even in the darkest streets. The conditions über tropical 78 with 81% humidity according to my home weather station. Had my 1st brush with chaff. 1st 8 miles with copuis schwitzing. A good breeze kept things reasonable.
Will stick with 8 for my long run for another week.

Feet pretty good
Legs good

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