The Road to a Barefoot Marathon

I started running in minimalist shoes a year ago and have been running barefoot for the last 10 months. When I started running barefoot, I set the goal of running a barefoot half marathon in my first year and would wait until my second year to build up to running a marathon barefoot. It seemed like a sensible plan at the time since everything I have read says to take it slow and do not do too much too soon.

After 7 months of barefooting I decided to take on the first goal and run the half marathon. Training was going well and I was running 5 miles, 3 days a week skin to ground. I jumped from there to running a 10 miler barefoot and several training runs of half marathon distance. The actual race, the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll went as expected, no surprises, beat my target time by 39 seconds. The feet and calves were fine.

Then came marathon season. I had my target race set for Houston in January. Training went well also. I felt ready. Crazy thoughts of attempting it barefoot crossed through my head. I decided to stick to the plan and run it in the Bikilas.

Well it turns out I over-estimated my preparation for this race. I had trouble keeping my target pace at about mile 12. All hope was lost by mile 18. At mile 20 I said, what the heck, and took off my shoes and did the last 10K barefoot. This turned out to be a good confidence builder, knowing that I could run barefoot after hitting the wall without issues.

In my discouragement, I decided to sign up for the Austin Marathon which was 5 weeks later. I also, with the boosted confidence in running barefoot in the late stages of Houston, decided I would go barefoot on this one. I was not going to miss my target on this one, which was easy, I simply decided not to have a target. I was running just for the fun of it.

I had my doubts. In the weeks between Houston and Austin, I did not run over 10 miles in any given run. I also had never run more than half marathon distance barefoot. I had only been running barefoot for 10 months come race day. Of all the races I have done this season, Austin was the least barefoot friendly. The City of Austin loves to re-surface roads with chip and seal. The course has it rough spots, but they seemed short enough and spread out enough to lessen their impact. They were a source of concern regardless, especially later in the race.

Race day came around and I was excited about my new adventure of running a race without stressing over time, and of course to attempt my first barefoot marathon. I had prepared a pair of Plasti-Dipped socks as described in Ken Bob's book, to carry in my pocket just in case. Walking from my car to the start area, the socks crawled down off of my heel. They made nice pre race foot warmers but I took them off and pitched them before the start. So it was down to my feet vs. 26.2 miles. My feet emerged victorious.


Wow. Just the right kind of motivation that I was looking for right now. Thanks for that! :)

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