Barefoot Newbie Chronicles

Ran middle distance competitively in college, as a typical heel striker I developed shin splints which worsened into full stress fractures. Couldn't walk let alone run, rehabilitation included mostly pool swimming and cycling.

I didn't do any serious running for years fearing big milage would bring about my old injuries. I began running regularly again a few years ago and slowly built up a solid base. First in typical running shoes, then first generation Vibram Five Fingers which I still own. Now I will be trying to go fully barefoot. So far I have learned a good deal more then I ever did running on the track team. I switched from regular running shoes to Vibrams and I soon discovered forefoot landings and better posture (no more foreword lean) kept me from developing shin splints again, though I did still have some pain in my knees.

I found out that even Vibrams will let your run with mistakes in your form as my blood blisters attest to when I began running fully barefoot. It appears that while I am no longer heel striking, I am still landing far to harshly. I will be purchasing Barefoot Ken Bob's Book and reporting my results.


Even better to buy Jay Dicharry's book "anatomy for runners". Peruse Dr Cucuzella's blog also for more running tips and watching his videos. I don't have a link but i know you'll find what you need at two rivers treads.
Out of curiosity, how far did you go on for the run that caused the blood blisters?
Bend your knees more, or said another way, 'sit down' more while you are running, and focus on the 'lift' and cadence, instead of the 'landing' and power...will fix most of that more midfoot too :)

Run light and easy and loose.

And have fun, skin to ground is the way to go most of the time.
Thanks for tips guys, I seriously need to work on softer landings. I'll head over to Barns & Nobel to see about the anatomy of runners. As far as distance I had yet to brake 1.5 miles when that photo was taken. I hope to do my first 2 miler tomorrow. I'll post my results tomorrow.

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