
Since we are approaching the end of the year, I know many folks start thinking about New Year's resolutions and such. This year I am so thankful not to have "eat right and exercise" at the top of my list of things to do in the new year, because I've already been doing them for almost a year now...
As promised, here is a follow up to the review I did on the Injinji Performance Series Toe Socks in mid November. As you know, I love trail running and climbing the Manitou Incline in my huaraches from Invisible Shoes. As winter has arrived, I've been looking at ways to keep running in them...
So yesterday for my birthday, my wife ordered an amazing pumpkin cheesecake.. one of the best I've had (next to the Chocolate Guinness version from the same bakery). So yes, cheese cake is decadent, and not necessarily the healthiest, but so what? It tastes amazing, and I don't eat one every...
Just realized that I've been blogging about 6 weeks already... time flies when you are having fun. So, for those of you that have been following along, reading, commenting, and posting on the Facebook page, thank you! Blogging has been a great way to journal my random thoughts, and talk about...
A quick note before the Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow. We are in the midst of the holiday season, filled with great celebrations, and more often than not, filled with lots of food centric activities. Don't get me wrong, I love to eat and I love good food.... I just hope that more people take the...
Anyone remember the movie, "On Any Sunday"? I realize I am dating myself, as this movie came out in 1971. Now, my memories of it as a 7-year old growing up in Southern California, was that it was a great movie about motorcycle racing, on and off road, and Steve McQueen was in it. However, what I...
Today I participated in the Pikes Peak Road Runner's, Turkey Trot Predict 5K, which was great fun. The goal of the run is to predict your finishing time, and the 6 closest to their times win a turkey. So each runner took off at the time they predicted as the clock ran backwards. If everyone was...
After almost two weeks, I was finally able to do the Manitou Incline . Between the weather and traveling, I've missed my twice weekly ritual. It was an amazing morning... a very bright 1/2 to 3/4 moon, not much of a breeze, and temps I would guess to be around 35F (2C). I wore my headlamp, but...
Just a quick note today to thank all of those who are, or have served our country. Especially, my dad, and my father-in-law. Also, we are on a short trip to Las Vegas this week, celebrating the 75th birthday of our best friend's mom. Crazy day in Vegas, as it appears everyone is here for a...
This morning I went down to Colorado Springs to participate in the monthly Nielsen Challenge. It's a two mile handicapped run that the Pikes Peak Road Runners club hosts on the first Saturday of each month. This was my 3rd one, and my second run in my huaraches. What amazed me was that out of...
Today was my first run up the Incline in the snow. There was still a pretty good amount of snow on the way up, and Barr trail was well covered at the top also. What a blast! And when I got to the top, it was the quietest its ever been... so cool. Also, I got to see the carved pumpkin that...
One of the few, if the only, drawbacks of working from home... no snow days! School was canceled for the boys, but unless the snow manages to knock out my phone and internet service, I'll still be working.. ah well. I did take the opportunity to run out to the driveway to get the paper in 5-6...
Felt so good today to head up the Incline, since the last opportunity I had was last Monday. It was a little chilly, but not too bad really. I started up with my home made toe socks, but for some reason today they kept wanting to bunch up to the front of my foot/toes. I don't know.. maybe they...
Well, I decided not to go up the Incline this morning, as it was around 19F, and I knew since it was slushy yesterday, it would be plenty icy this morning. I need to invest in some YakTrax before I attempt it in those kind of conditions. Instead, it got up to around 40F today, and sunny, so I...
Well... looks like we are about 1/2 way or more toward 10 inches of snow between last night and today. While I am all for working on my cold weather tolerance for my feet, this is a bit beyond my threshold! I was planning on doing the Incline tomorrow morning, but thinking I may push that to...
I normally don't listen to music while trail running, as I find it kind of distracts and detracts from the experience. However, I do often listen to that internal biological iPod we all carry in our heads.. you know, the one that often get stuck on repeat, continuously playing some terrible...

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