Pain behind ankle(Medial) + fallen arch. Can you help?

Ryan Burtch

Sep 5, 2014
Indianapolis, IN
I have been running minimalist (Vibrams KSO) for about 2 years and I have consistently has pain behind my right ankle. After closely looking at my right foot, it seems like the arch is lower than that of my left. Not sure if these are related, but nevertheless, I wanted to let you know.

That said, I have no pain at all on my left side except for maybe a slight shin splint every so often.

The pain behind my ankle usually starts when I hit 1.5 miles and only gets worse. It seems to spread all around my ankle the further I run. The longest I've been able to endure this pain is 13.1 miles and that pain was terrible.

I have looked at KT tape to try to relieve the pain, but i'm not sure how I would need to tape my ankle and/or arch.

Please help.
Generally, arches do not fall, but asymmetry is something you are born with. It sounds like you overpronate on the right side (foot turns out and falls in). If you are thinking of taping while running in vibram shoes, you may end up with blisters from friction and movement in the shoe.

My guess based on what you are telling me is that the soft tissues on the medial side of the deep calf into the posterior knee are tight from turning out and you are hitting hard on the right side vs the left.

The easiest way to help shimmy that up (level you out) is to wear a minimalist shoe with an off the shelf orthotic such as superfeet which will work well in those. While it is not like running in Vibrams, it may be what you need.

Pure minimalist is not for everyone, and some folks need alittle help. I think you may fit in that group.

It may also be a good idea to find a good sports chiropractor who does extremity work and understands running and runners. Ankle manipulation, myofascial release and some core work can markedly improve your running experience if you find the right doctor.

I hope that helps
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