2014 Mileage Club

Should I start a new thread or would it be just as well to get answers here about how people track their mileage? I have a simple app that I was happy with last year, but now I see that it just keeps adding the mileage for a given "footwear" over the years, so it is very difficult for me to figure out how many miles I did minimalist or barefoot. I'm not very good at spread sheets… and I have a Mac, so nothing Windows is going to work for me without me spending $$.

Perhaps just create a new footwear in the app called "barefoot 2015" to track just the current year?
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Perhaps just create a new footwear in the app called "barefoot 2015" to track just the current year?

Thanks, tried that but it just adds the total miles for all the years for this. Guess most runners aren't concerned about what exactly is on their feet when they run.
1122.2 miles of running (100% barefoot)
Minimum 500 miles of walking just feeding my horses (99.5% barefoot)

In addition, an unknown amount of miles walking the dog and/or kitten, doing farm chores (mowing, pulling weeds, haying, mucking manure, grooming horses, trimming hooves, cleaning troughs, etc), hiking, going on trips/outings, walking at stores, house chores, etc. I was nearly always barefoot, but wore 4mm Xero Shoes huaraches when footwear was "required" on an occasion or so.... I think an average of about a mile per day for my general daily walking is conservative.
So my 2014 mileage had to be at least 2000 miles or more, nearly all of it skin-to-surface :woot:
831 km / 516 miles. I'd say around 40 km in vivobarefoot one, 10 km in vivobarefoot trail freak, and 3 km in VFF. I broke the 500 miles barrier!
Should I start a new thread or would it be just as well to get answers here about how people track their mileage? I have a simple app that I was happy with last year, but now I see that it just keeps adding the mileage for a given "footwear" over the years, so it is very difficult for me to figure out how many miles I did minimalist or barefoot. I'm not very good at spread sheets… and I have a Mac, so nothing Windows is going to work for me without me spending $$.

I write it down on a calendar and then add it all up.... pretty stoneage really.
Walking? Heaven knows. All my shoes are zero drop, I live in NYC and mostly walk places (if I'm not running) - maybe 25 miles a week? I dunno:rolleyes:

I have only listed the miles where I had my running kit on and was actually 'out for a run'

I too am barefoot or minimalist all the time, so my miles for general barefoot or minimalist walking would be 'all of them' ... or 1,244 miles, according to my Jawbone :)

I will give everyone until the end of January to post their mileage, and then start shipping certificates.
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Should I start a new thread or would it be just as well to get answers here about how people track their mileage? I have a simple app that I was happy with last year, but now I see that it just keeps adding the mileage for a given "footwear" over the years, so it is very difficult for me to figure out how many miles I did minimalist or barefoot. I'm not very good at spread sheets… and I have a Mac, so nothing Windows is going to work for me without me spending $$.

I use the website http://runningahead.com for logging purposes. It's a great site to keep a running log and you can pretty easily create searches for time periods that will total up miles based upon criteria. It's also very easy to just upload data from my Garmin gps to the log I have there.
I don't believe I've done one of these yearly total posts yet. 2014 was a mixed bag for me. I had lots of problems, but also some really good weeks too. Following a really great 2013 though made '14 seem dismal. In '13 I PR'd in every race distance I did... 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon, and full marathon (though it was just my first). I ran more races than I ever had in a year as well. In '14 I only really raced 1 half marathon and 1 full. My full I did beat last years by about 4 minutes I think it was, so one minor success though it came at a cost that I would not repeat, and might not even try for a full again unless I get my mileage higher.

As for miles I switched to using the Endomondo app when I upgraded to a modern smartphone (also my garmin software would no longer work when I switched my desktop to linux).

I logged 839 miles running. I haven't figured out how to separate out shod miles but I may have run around 50 miles in Soft Stars Jan-March when it was too cold and/or snow.

Hope to break 1,000 in 2015! I think if I had a better start to the year I could have last year, as I did have a few months over 100 miles.

Decided just to put up a screenshot. As you can see I was off to a really bad start. Besides crummy weather and family issues, I had some major calf problems that persisted until June and came back a bit in August. November took a dive since I strained my achilles in the marathon in October and didn't run for a couple weeks and started back with low mileage.
2014 was a free form year for me wherein I allowed myself the luxury of running without worrying about it at other times. So, no log.

My fair W. A. G. (at ~15 miles per week times 52 weeks ... call it...) 750 miles of which 600 was skin to ground.

This accounts for just "kitted out" running. I don't think much about other BF activities.

This year I'm already averaging more than 15 miles per week despite rotten conditions like snow, slush and cold.
I did run total of 1300 km/800 miles including 70 km/40 miles orienteering. Barefoot, maybe some 5%, not much. Mostly with fivefingers - kso evo at summer and bikila evo at winter and orienteering.

My achilles tendon troubles kept me from running for couple of first months of 2014, but I did run quite constantly shorter distances most of the year. I had running spike at june (280 km), but then the troubles came back. Quantity probably wasn't cause for troubles though, I stopped using calf compression sleeves and did some too fast running. Currently it seems that I have bit motivational troubles and it's winter, generally it's just not too nice to go out and there's too much snow - no trail running.. I think I'm slowly recovering from those achilles troubles... I have been doing calf raises quite a lot. At first doing just five single leg calf raises caused two days of achilles pain, so I first worked up to total of 500 repeats (in three sets) of two leg calf raises, then carefully started with single leg repeats and now I'm at 25 sigle leg repeats and while I get some mild feelings from achilles, it doesn't cause pain afterwards. Lack of running motivation is probably good thing now, it gives my achilles tendons a better chance to heal. Currently I'm running some 15-35 km/10-20mile a week, so it's not complete lack of motivation, there just are usually 1-2 days a week when I don't run, which makes me, a former everyday runner, feel like really lazy, incabable and weak minded. I don't mean that people that usually run like this would be like that, but those are the feelings I feel about myself.
.... I don't mean that people that usually run like this would be like that, but those are the feelings I feel about myself.

Flammee, you are doing GREAT to get any running done at all! WOW!

I know how hard it is for me here to keep motivated, but you are so much farther north, and it's so much colder there, and darker. Bless you!
I will be doing the certificates next week. If you haven't posted your miles yet, please do so this weekend!


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Almost forgot to tally up 2014, mainly due to the fact that the last 3 months were the worst three months. Niggles got the better of me, which was somewhat frustrating.

That said, I did manage 1008 barefoot km, and 1120 all up, which was about 50km more than 2013 and a much higher (90%) ratio of BF to shod running. I also ran my first ever half marathon (in shoes), did my longest BF run, and logged more runs over 15km than I would have ever done in my life before that. On balance, it wasn't too bad.

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