2011 Mileage Club

Spooner, that is

Spooner, that is ridiculous.

Chaser, you are so close to 1000... :/

I'll be around 533 total miles, 440 of those are barefoot.

^^ recorded miles*

Not bad at all, YOW. All,

Not bad at all, YOW.

All, please keep your figures coming in!
Last run of the year -

Last run of the year - 40.44km (3:00:17)

Total for 2011 - 5072.0km (3149.7mi)

I just had my last run for

I just had my last run for the year with Silly C, as she was visiting NYC for the holidays, and I can now report a grand total of 3288 miles for the year. 2067 of them barefoot and the rest minimalist.

I'm going to try and increase the proportion of barefoot miles in 2012 - if the winter stays this warm that will not be a problem!

man I feel kind of...

man I feel kind of... inadequate... after seeing all these guys with 3000+ miles for the year. ;)

barefoot: 602.5 miles

minimalist: 184 miles

trainers: 81.5 miles (while transitioning last winter)

TOTAL: 868 miles

I currently have 1466.23

I currently have 1466.23 running miles and headed out for either an 8.99, 9.29 or 9.66 mile run to get myself above 1475 miles for the year.

Given that I was off for almost two months (roughly 54 days) with both heel injuries, the breakdown is as follows

BF - 0 miles

Vibram KSO's - 862.41 miles + whatever run I do today

Vibram Bikila's - 527.98 miles

NB Minimus - 117.75 miles

Nice totals Spooner and

Nice totals Spooner and DNEchris. Man, that is a lot of running!

@Smelph - Strange that you and I had almost the same numbers and proportion barefoot. I think we need another category... Number of miles done barefoot and below freezing. (130 miles barefoot at below 32°F)

Just finished my last run for

Just finished my last run for 2011 my breakdown is as follows:

Barefoot: 926.5 miles

Vibram KSO's: 246.0 miles

Zems: 278.0 miles

Mukluks: 72.0 miles

Total: 1522.5 miles

Didn't quite make my 1000 miles barefoot this year, but that just means I will more determined to break and exceed in 2012

Looking good you guys.  Keep

Looking good you guys. Keep those miles coming in!
2011 Totals:Barefoot: 384

2011 Totals:

Barefoot: 384 miles

Minimalist: 114 miles.

For comparison, here are last year's totals:

Barefoot: 0 miles.

Minimalist: 0 miles.

Run on friends. See you in 2012.


@YOW: you know, I'm actually

@YOW: you know, I'm actually kind of surprised you and I were so close. I always thought you would bury me in mileage ;) I think the mileage below freezing would be fun to see, but I have a feeling it'd be you, me and Bob, and he goes out there in nothing but a Kilt in the snow, so I don't think I can hang with him too long ;)

Smelph wrote:mad:YOW: you know,

Smelph said:
@YOW: you know, I'm actually kind of surprised you and I were so close. I always thought you would bury me in mileage ;) I think the mileage below freezing would be fun to see, but I have a feeling it'd be you, me and Bob, and he goes out there in nothing but a Kilt in the snow, so I don't think I can hang with him too long ;)

I wish I could hang with you running demons :evil: , I am in awe at the mileage you two put in. All my runs are short and sweet :innocent: All my long runs in the cold are just above zero, I haven't managed a long subzero run of any magnitute yet.

I bow in the both of your presence. ;-)

Anyone else have any mileage

Anyone else have any mileage to report?

Also, if you prefer your certificate in kilometers instead of miles, please let me know.

And lastly, we record at the 500 mile mark, so if you are close to the next increment, count the miles you have walked as well. I'll bet you can get in a good mile at Wal-Mart now and again, or maybe just walking to and from the parking lot at work to your car, or taking your kids to the park. If you are close enough, I will bump you up to the next recording increment, for example one of you is like 40 miles away and another of you is like 25 miles away. Close enough because I'm sure you get that much mileage just walking in your home to and from the bathroom over the year! Ha!
954.32 total miles...

954.32 total miles... Grrrr... Of which I would say 910~915 were barefoot. No clue how many Ill run in 2012...

Check out the final results

Check out the final results of the 2011 Mileage Club here: http://barefootrunners.org/page/mileage-club

Congrats to all who took part! There's still time to get your miles recorded and that special, shiny certificate! Just PM me with your miles.

Everyone else, be sure to record all your miles, barefoot and minimal, for the 2012 Mileage Club!

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