Member Profile of the Week - Olle "Blind Boy" Albinsson - A Little Moderation is in Order


Member Profile of the Week
Olle "Blind Boy" Albinsson
A Little Moderation is in Order
Olle Albinsson, known as Blind Boy on our forum, joins us from the charming coastal town of Luleå, Sweden, where he has been a resident for the last 6 years. He is 27 years old and originally from Uppsala, Sweden. Olle is currently enrolled as a student at Luleå University of Technology where he is studying computer game development and is halfway to receiving his MSE (Masters degree in Software Engineering).
Olle is a self-proclaimed pacifist who has two young children and a cat called Bossa. Apparently, in keeping with his kind nature, dust bunnies are also considered pets in his home, and he claims there “are more than I care to count.”
While he only took up running again recently, he’s been a runner for six years, currently running both barefoot and minimalist. As far as favorite running stories go, he says, “I don’t have a specific one, but I remember how I used to feel when everything worked, and I was just floating forward at insane speeds. That feeling is what made me take up running again last summer after a 13-year hiatus.” Although he hasn’t raced since starting to run again, he left off with a 5K PR of 25:35, and a 1K PR of 3:45, with his favorite distance being the 10K. Why running? “It’s a simple pleasure. You just start running in whatever direction you feel like and stop when you feel like you’ve done enough.”
What brought Olle to BF/minimalist: “When I started running again, I did everything by the book. I got fitted for a pair of shoes with video taping and everything. Then I started running. Looking back, I overdid it, but now I’m glad I did because I wouldn’t have ended up here if I hadn’t. I got shin splints and had to rest for a week or so. Then I did the same thing all over again, did too much, and rested to heal. I got tired of it after a while and decided to do what any “serious” runner would do, I blamed the shoes and set out to buy a new pair. Then I stumbled on a review of the VFF Classics and started looking around in that crazy barefoot group on RWOL (Runner’s World Online) and decided to ask some questions. Once I’d done that, I tried going barefoot, since I couldn’t get a hold of VFFs locally. After that, there was no turning back.”
In addition to running, his hobbies include playing with his kids, playing music, posting nonsense on various forums, wildlife/nature photography, and so on. He explains his music and further expounds on his beliefs: “I play the guitar, mostly old delta blues style stuff, and it’s the inspiration for my screen name. Also, I’m an atheist, and I used to call myself a communist. My beliefs still lie out on the far left side of the spectrum. I’ve just given up on the whole organized politics thing.”
Olle joined the Barefoot Runners Society because, as he says, “All the cool kids were doing it. Seriously though, after I got back from my winter break from running, everyone I used to talk to on RWOL had moved, so I followed.” Not only did he follow, but he jumped at the opportunity to help out with the Forum Moderator responsibilites, of which we are grateful he is doing a superb job. His signature is not a joke, so pay heed next time you think about posting anything on the site that would make him angry. ;-)
Rounding out his colorful personality, apparently he looks stunning in a dress. Not running skirt, mind you. He shares this: “I graduated high school wearing a long white dress and a pair of hot pink high heels. The worst part was nobody was surprised when I showed up dressed like that. In a school full of weird and “artistic” people, I was still one of the odd-balls. That’s usually the case. I tend to fall outside the bell-curve when it comes to most things; maybe that’s why barefoot running made so much sense to me.”
Welcome to the club Blind Boy!
Sadly, or fortunately, I'm 20 kilos heavier than Iwas back then so that won't be happening. I do have picture evidence though so if you get me drunk enough who knows...
Hi there.

So all from you on Funbeat just nonsense.

That makes two of us. Just kidding.

Aber warum in ein "German Chapter".

Det finns en "Swedish Chapter". ;)

OK. I am in the Jacksonville Chapter.


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