Coaching vs. mentoring

The Ramzev

Chapter Presidents
Jun 14, 2010
Milford, DE
I don't think I'd be up for a coaching gig, it would be cool but I can't dedicate the time and schedule that would probably be necessary to be successful. I would however consider a mentoring type program where the face to face is minimal but there is active communication and occasional joint runs to gauge performance and offer tips.
I would think this would require similar knowledge and could be a good "coach training" option. Of course there wouldn't be any money in it, but it could give someone who may be interested in coaching a little taste before they go all in.
My dream has always been to start a youth running program in my town in conjunction with Parks and Rec. maybe one day I'll get my BRS certification and go for it.
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I feel like a mentor too, Ram. :)
I wonder if I could generate interest if I just made a Facebook post that said something like:

"Are you an injured runner? Are you tired of clomping down the road in your motion controlled, high heeled shoes? Have you ever wondered if there was an alternative? Can you drink beer and eat chocolate cookies at the same time? Then put down the magazines, burn your orthotics and contact me; I will work you through the steps to becoming a happier, healthier and more efficient runner!
Yes, sadly, you possibly could get some clients that way. Not advisable though.
I would prefer my beer with milk, but whatev!
One might consider a tiered system, like in the martial arts, where one is mostly taught by those just a little more advanced. Green belts instruct white belts, for example, while black belts either teach at the group level or only work with individuals when introducing a new concept. You can notice this happening on the forums, where those who have broken through to the second level are the ones most eager to give advice to those just starting out. Not sure how it would actually play out in a virtual format though. Maybe a mentor could send video to a master coach like Jason for critique or review.
I'll send a home video to Jason, not sure how it'll allow him to critique my running but...whatever. Sorry Jason, Lee told me too...
Something to think about.
I wonder if I could generate interest if I just made a Facebook post that said something like:

"Are you an injured runner? Are you tired of clomping down the road in your motion controlled, high heeled shoes? Have you ever wondered if there was an alternative? Can you drink beer and eat chocolate cookies at the same time? Then put down the magazines, burn your orthotics and contact me; I will work you through the steps to becoming a happier, healthier and more efficient runner!

Oddly, not that long ago that description would have fit me perfectly (OK, I did not have orthotics; I had SuperFeet inserts).

Oh lawdy how I miss chocolate chip cookies and was a wonderful way to start the day...(now, it's just the cookies, which is still a fine way to start the day, indeed.)
Something to think about.
Not sure if it would be any better than what already happens on the forums, but perhaps someone new to the site/BFR could request a mentor if their needs weren't being met on forum threads, or if they wanted to be a little less public in discussing their health/exercise history/goals. The mentor could call on others they are familiar with for second opinions, etc. It would be virtual mentoring, possibly with video interfaces, in lieu of a co-present coach, the latter which would still be the best thing, obviously. If both people lived in the same area, it could include the kind of mentoring Mr. Ramzev described at the top of this thread, with some running together once in a while. And I have no idea if a purely virtual mentoring would be useful in practice, or if there's an actual need. The collective voice of a good thread may still be the best thing.
That's a great idea, Lee! We need to think of a format to place it on the site, a list or do we go with another map called Barefoot-Minimalist Running Mentors Map?

Jason used to have a Mentors section on his old website.

I would hope that the Chapters would offer some of this, as in the Chapter President should be considered a mentor and running buddy.
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That's a great idea, Lee! We need to think of a format to place it on the site, a list or do we go with another map called Barefoot-Minimalist Running Mentors Map?

Jason used to have a Mentors section on his old website.

I would hope that the Chapters would offer some of this, as in the Chapter President should be considered a mentor and running buddy.
Yah, I would think the Chapters would be the first place for someone to check for a physically co-present mentor, but for someone who lives away from chapter centers, an individual listing of mentors might be helpful, in addition to the possibility of a virtual mentor. And perhaps with schedules and busy-ness, it might not be a bad idea to list chapter members' availability for mentoring individually, in case the president isn't available. And not all of us can make it to group runs. In my case, they always fall on weekends when I'm busy with family.

As for formatting/site organization, I'm sure you folks will find a good solution; this site is extremely well-designed and easy-to-use already.
We already list all the members each chapter has, and for those who want their locations known, we have the map. Maybe there is someway to make the markers on the map different colors so people can be identified by: Coach; Mentor; Member; etc.
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