BRS Member Profile of the Week - Bruno Runs


BRS Member Profile of the Week -Bruno RunsThe Barefoot Musician
BRS member, Bruno Runs, is 28 years old and has resided in Bethesda, Maryland, for the past 7 years. He attended James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, where he attained a BA in Music Industry& Recordingand Technical &Scientific Communication. He is a National Recording Artist for Imagen Records, a musician and a songwriter, and is in the Lloyd Dobler Effect band. He and his band have entertained the troops with 3 USO tours to Afghanistan, Japan, Qatar, Bahrain, and about 10 other countries. He enjoys hiking, rock climbing, traveling, recording, and playing music. It’s nice to have a job that’s your hobby as well!

An interesting fact about Bruno, “I love maps. I love knowing where I am. I travel around the country and the world so much that I have maps with color coded pins of where I’ve been: white for cities I’ve performed in, blue for places I’ve just been and not played, green for places I’ve hiked or National Parks I’ve been to, and red for cities I’ve run races in. Also my ability to collect and archive things is borderline insane. For example, I also keep every hotel key from every night I’ve stayed somewhere. I have over 800 from the last 8 years or so!”

Bruno has been running for 16 years but remembers his most unusual running experience being his first barefoot race where he was pretty much the center of attention in a 4,500 person race, and he wasn’t winning! It was also his favorite race because “it marked the beginning of a whole new era for me. One that would be fun and injury free.” His most memorable race was completing his first marathon, The Marine Corps Marathon in Virginia/D.C. Bruno favors the longer distances of the half and full marathon. Distances aren’t the only thing Bruno is good at; he has very respectable times as well. He has completed the 5K distance in 21:12, the 10K in 43:16, and the Full in under 4 hours. Bruno enjoys running because it’s his favorite way to stay healthy, and he likes to get in a zone with his body. “That’s why I tend to like the longer distances now that I’ve made it 26.2.”

As many other runners before him, Bruno was brought to barefoot running due to injuries!!! He said he complained about running injuries to enough people that finally someone recommended he read the book Born to Run last year. He says, “I loved the idea, but I couldn’t have even taken the first barefoot step without the Runner’s World Barefoot Running Forum and Jason’s Barefoot University page.”

Bruno’s reason for joining the Barefoot Runners Society is, “the great group of people responsible for the BRS have been the ones who have helped me make my transition. I am very excited to be a part of it, meet people to run with in my area, and continue to learn and spread the word about barefoot running or just run barefoot and have people find out for themselves!” That’s always a good approach, Bruno.
Wohoo!Another DC BFRunner. I'm born and raised Californian, but will be out inDC for law school.

Let's get some BFrunner meet-ups going! (Must. Train. For Richmond Full.)

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