2012 Mileage Club

So the final numbers are 1,836 miles for the year, and 1,115 miles of skin contact.
Looking forward to 2013.
Ah, but your running is more adventurous.

I just go to and from work :)

Running to and from work in New York could be quite adventurous i would be thinking.
Entertaining more than adventurous in my experience!

It's all about perspective. Your entertaining might me my adventurous :eek:
It's all about perspective. Your entertaining might me my adventurous :eek:

Quite likely! I've just had an elderly, 95 lb, drunk woman threaten to rip my head off on the train ride back from my trail run this morning - she was going to take the rest of the subway car out too - once she'd finished her bottle of vodka but she was so drunk that she couldn't even get the top off the bottle so we were all spared.

I think that one qualifies as both entertaining and adventurous!
I would say so. Fun times.
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Last call for recording your mileage for last year. I want to get everybody their shiny new certificate by the 15th of January. So please get 'em listed here as soon as possible.
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Jake Blaser made a separate thread for his mileage. Please find his there.
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Last call for recording your mileage for last year. I want to get everybody their shiny new certificate by the 15th of January. So please get 'em listed here as soon as possible.

I'm not sure if you noticed my milage posting on week 53. 1570 total miles, of which 1069 were bare feet, the rest minimal.
I'm not sure if you noticed my milage posting on week 53. 1570 total miles, of which 1069 were bare feet, the rest minimal.

Got it thanks.
Barefooting Bob: 1,836 total miles; 1,115 barefoot balance minimalist.
Sid: 749 total miles; 567 barefoot, 182 minimalist
Flammee: 3,294 km (2,047 miles) total; Barefoot 300km (186 miles), balance minimalist.
DNEchris: 3,356 total miles; 2,185 barefoot, balance minimalist
Theshortwhiteguy: 1,458 total miles (will try to clarify barefoot vs. minimalist).
JosephTree: 855 total miles; (combined total - no breakout available)
Spoonerweb: 4,827 km (2,999.35 / lets call it 3,000 miles) I am assuming Barefoot because that is how Spooner rolls.
RandyY: 207km (129 miles) total miles combined.
Spiderweb62: 954.5km (593 miles) barefoot
NickW: 456 total miles; 220 barefoot, 236 minimalist
Rickwhitelaw: 1,000 total miles; 800 barefoot and 200 minimalist
Dutchie53: 800 total miles combined (give or take) plus a whole lot of barefoot golfing.
BareLee: 417 total miles; 412 barefoot and 5 miles minimalist.
Barefoot Gentile: 1,313 total miles; 1,113 barefoot and 200 minimalist
Paraganek: 704 total barefoot miles.
Neil D: 1,274 total miles (2,052 km) all barefoot I am assuming.
OdiarAmor - 10 miles.
Barefoot Yow: 1,000 total barefoot running miles, 621 barefoot walking miles.
Agnesd: 85 total miles (that would be from 1 to 85) - Awesome just awesome.
Robbi: 300 km (186 miles) plus a whole pile more this was from June 29th. No number posted beyond that. All barefoot
Barefoot TJ - 2 barefeet operated on and will be running strong by the end of 2013
Jake Blaser:551 miles barefoot.
EricsLearning: 900 plus miles of running.
Tender Toes Mark: 700 miles total: 468 Barefoot, 232 miles in minimalist shoes.
Barefootn: 1570 total miles, 1069 barefoot, 501 mimimalist
All, if you are on the list Bob made above, please verify if accurate-enough, and where missing, if you can break out whether barefoot or minimal or barefoot and minimal... Thanks!

And check out the new page on the site called Mileage Club! We will add this to the navigation bar soon.

EDIT: If you are missing from the list or still want to join one of the mileage clubs and get your shiny certificate, there's still time! Just post your mileage here, and we will add you to the list.
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Bob, thanks for posting. I appreciate the incentive, knowing that others are out there challenging themselves helps me to get out the door, and makes it more rewarding.
I noticed that the 1000 mile BF goal seems to be popular, that was mine also.
Two weeks to Myrtle Beach Marathon (I plan to wear Hattories) and then I can concentrate on bare feet.
T.J. the posted milage is correct.
Thanks again and keep up the good work.

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