UPDATED NOTICE: International Barefoot Running Day

International Barefoot Running Day

As most of you know, International Barefoot Running Day (IBRD) is the flagship of the Barefoot Runners Society being inaugurated 13 years ago. International Barefoot Running Day always takes place on the FIRST Sunday in May of each year as it has since its conception. This year, IBRD will be held on Sunday, May 7.

Up until the pandemic began, the BRS took ownership of coordinating worldwide IBRD events through its many social media resources by broadcasting each event’s details (location, time of event, event distance, contact info, etc.). The BRS would likewise share the numerous reports and photos that came in after these events were concluded for all to enjoy.

In case you haven’t heard, the Barefoot Runners Society is turning over the coordination of International Barefoot Running Day to the WORLD, that is anyone or any group who wants to host an IBRD event is welcome to do so as usual and may continue to post their event info on the BRS’s website at www.TheBarefootRunners.org in the IBRD forum, in the country / state chapter on the site where the event is to be held, on the BRS’s Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/barefootrunnerssociety, and anywhere else they feel would help them to get the word out about their event, such as other barefoot and minimalist running websites, Facebook groups and pages, Instagram, social media, running clubs' websites, newspapers, etc. Be sure to invite your friends and family too!

As always, please be sure to share your events' pictures and reports in the BRS's IBRD forum afterwards. We would love to see how everyone did.

The BRS will no longer hold IBRD artwork contests for IBRD tee shirts, so there will be no official IBRD artwork going forward.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. You can find me on the BRS’s site or Facebook page.

Run free,

Barefoot TJ

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