Blog entries by 7ships

I've talked about my mom in previous posts and about how she told me running was like flying to her. She used to go out into our ghetto Chicago neighborhood and run all winter long while Chicanos hollered at her out of their hooptie windows. The only women on the street at 5am were selling...
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I've been thinking a lot about the training season, injuries and the conversations I have with my running buddies about training. My thoughts on the subject are as follows and this is essentially the lecture I would give my clients when I was a personal trainer. Running is a repetitive motion...
I won't be running this one barefoot (middle of November, ice bath and lots of obstacles). I'm trying to decide whether it's Minimus or Trail Glove this time. So first off thanks to everyone who pitched in on my question hunt for this Sun. I got some good ones lined up and I can't wait to start...
Running is medicine. There's the cardio, long term health, weight loss piece that's really important but the thing I'm talking about is another kind of medicine. Life is full of challenges. There are always these moments that push you toward breaking, or at least questioning whether you know...
Post marathon, mid-semester, pre-thesis defense, I just don't have time to do serious training right now. I'm now doing what I call short and sweets because they just feel great and keep my head clear. When my brother was having IT band issues and other aches and pains, my advice was long...
I'm still having trouble with embedding video in the forum so I'm linking to my original blog post about this lovely weather and running! Thanks for reading and good luck out there!
So...first marathon, first 26.3 mile distance, in my hometown, basically running through the history of the first 30 years of my life, with a couple of really great friends jumping in to keep me company, my family meeting me during the race to cheer me on...what more could a slob like me ask...
Actually I run to thrive not survive but I do have some materials to keep me smiling. My plan is to take it pretty easy at first and try not to get swept up in the excitement of the start and push too hard. I'm going to give it a few miles to see where I'm at, make sure the bod is ready for the...
In this post I embedded a bunch of videos. It's a bit of a pain to import all of that stuff so follow the link please... Knuckledraggers![/video]"]A Knuckledraggers video of how much fun a mud race is!I'm trying to bring as many people on as I can because it will probably be my last race of the season. I've got a marathon to think about in a week.I'm sending good vibes to my good friend running theRock...
I've had a number of creative habits like playing music and creating art in my life. None of these ever came to me as visions where I could see finished products in my head and went about making them real. For me it's always been about thirsts that needed to be satisfied. I get a longing and I...
Ok, I give up, it's fall. It was an early start this year and I kept the Indian Summer thing in the back of my head, but today I was rooting around for warmer clothing and put all of my shorts away. I went for a barefoot run last week after a frost and the cold pavement was just too...
So Sat was 21 miles, I took a couple days off and Tues was 8 miles. Tues went pretty badly. It took me 4 miles just to warm up, my legs were tight and unhappy and I had to run/walk the whole thing. I felt good when I was actually running but kept getting tired. My recovery drink Sat was...
I think one of the best parts of being in the middle of my first real race training season, is that I keep running my longest distance ever. 14, 18 and now 21 mile distances are the longest I've run, the last was just this Sat. My run Sat was great. I was a bit creaky for the rest of the day...
I was doing some speed work today. I've been doing this with my mouth closed, trying to push the speed at which I can run without mouth breathing. I'm certain this has made me faster although I haven't been timing anything lately the way I used to. On a day like today I am pushing as hard as I...
I spend most of my running time on roads. Last week I was running with a buddy who does all of his on trail, and I was on his stomping ground so we did the trail thing. It is much harder than the smooth flat road and there's definitely no barefooting it, I ran in minimalist trail shoes. The...
I had a long talk with a friend today about the running process. Just about every run you go out on follows a pretty predictable sequence. This is extremely important for handling long ones, but what a long run is, has a habit of changing from week to week and that's part of the process too. My...
I've been using the free Chicago marathon training plan from iRunnerblog. It's a great paired down plan with 4 running days and a cross training day per week. The basics are covered: pace training, speed training, long run, but as training plans go it's pretty spare. I like it that way as I'm...
This past Sunday was the Merrell Barefoot 5k in Grand Rapids. There was also a kids 1k and a 1 mile. My kids both ran the 1k, and I was super proud of them for hustling their little butts. Malina came in 4th. She's 6 and the kids ahead of her were 8-11, so she really hung in there. Kasper was...
I did my 18 mile long run today. It's the first time I've run that distance and while I wasn't worried, my last two long run attempts have ended pretty badly due to my foot problems. This one was stellar. I ran a 3 leafed clover with 6 mile loops and my house in the center. I'd go out for 6...