What’s the deal with Juneau’s barefoot guy?


What’s the deal with Juneau’s barefoot guy?

By Adelyn Baxter, KTOO

Xtratufs, Bogs, Muck Boots — comfortable, waterproof footwear is pretty much a necessity here in Juneau. But not for the local some know as “the barefoot guy.”

“Oh yeah, barefoot guy! What’s the story?” said Juneau resident Michael Boyer. “Is he a hobbit? Is he into New Age spiritual stuff? Don’t his feet get cold?”

Boyer lives in the neighborhood above Juneau-Douglas High School.

As he’s out walking his dog or with his kids day to day, he’s noticed a certain walker who also frequents the area.

“Rain, shine, 10 degrees, 70 degrees, uh, never any shoes,” Boyer said after submitting his question to Curious Juneau. He wanted to know more about the mysterious man whose bare footprints crisscross the neighborhood.

One 30-degree day, I had my own sighting [Hysterical, right? -TJ] downtown near the State Office Building. The ground was slick with ice, and across the street, a bearded man in cargo shorts was walking — without shoes.

I introduced myself and he laughed in a “not again” kind of way. To continue reading, please visit: https://www.ktoo.org/2018/04/20/whats-the-deal-with-juneaus-barefoot-guy/
TJ - I agree that claiming a "sighting" is funny - like the guy descended from a UFO or something!
I also laughed at the part about barefooting not being "as easy as it used to be" as he's "gotten older". He's 29!! :rolleyes:
Yea, that is ridiculous. Older. Oh, to be 29 again.

I envisioned his sighting to Big Foot. :lurking:

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