INTERESTING UPDATE -- Vibram FiveFingers shoes and the annoying people who buy them

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Well the quote from

Well the quote from BRS chapter president is perfect. But the article makes the unfortunate mistake of equating barefoot running with VFF running. Of course they have a lot in common, but as we've discussed so much, they are not the same.

But it does suggest a question: is there a difference in personality between those who are mostly barefooters and those who are mostly VFFer's?? And if so what is it?
That's kind of a funny and

That's kind of a funny and bizarre article. It sounds to me like the reporter was chatting with the running store owner; she was venting; and he knew it would make a good headline.

Considering I went into REI wearing my well-worn homemade huaraches and happily accepted the only Vibrams they had in my size (black KSOs), I'm hoping I didn't fit into that stereotype. :innocent:
It's not just runners

It's not just runners (kayakers, mountain climbers, etc.) who are buying these things anymore. All different types of people are buying them. The lady who does my hair told me yesterday that at her son's college here in Georgia, all the kids are going crazy for them. Her son told her they are the latest craze, and everyone's wearing them. So it's all these hotheads who can't get their toes in them fast enough to look and be "cool" are the ones who are giving runners a bad name, runners because we're the ones who are associated with them the most in the public's mind.
Everytime I see someone

Everytime I see someone wearing them I think those things are lame. Then I look down and realize how much of a lame ass I am. I have to say wearing them in a yoga class is the epitome of lame.

I do really watch people walk in them and every person I have seen has a nasty ass heel strike. If you don't intermix barefoot they are pretty much pointless in my opinion as a barefoot shoe.
stomper wrote:But it does

stomper said:
But it does suggest a question: is there a difference in personality between those who are mostly barefooters and those who are mostly VFFer's?? And if so what is it?

I think VFF wearers are just afraid to accept that they are barefooters at heart :)
Whenever I wore my VFFs, when

Whenever I wore my VFFs, when I could, I always heel striked it seemed more so than when just walking barefoot around. I always had more pain in my heels on the days I wore them, like going into stores or to pick up my youngest at school. When I wore my flip-flops, not so much. Go figure.
 interesting article....I

interesting article....I hope the store owner's clientele doesn't read's a sure way to NOT have repeat customers ;-)....I say as I contemplate my very fist trail run trying out my new (and free....wasn't ever going to buy them :) vibram sprints on the logging trail behind my house...I anticipate being able to run faster, but not sure I'll like the feeling of NOT actually feeling the ground on my sole....but, how do I know if I do not experience it for myself??? :-D
We were just talking about

We were just talking about this at our last group run. We went down to Uptown Minneapolis, which is the more hip part of town, and VFFs were everywhere on the trails. So our group of barefoot runners waved and said hi, and tried to engage people on the trail. I found the people we ran into stuck up and very unfriendly. Like they were God's gift to minimalist shoes or something. Definitely not the go with the flow people you find on this site.

I'm interested to see if two factions start growing in minimalist running: those who buy VFFs to be trendy, and those who buy them for their intended purpose.
 I had a sort of similar

I had a sort of similar conversation with the sales guy at REI about them when I went to try them on. He declared that VFFs are "the bane of my existance. People come in wanting this new shoe, I tell them to go slowly, they go out and run 10 miles and come back and yell at me because they got hurt". He seemed quite happy that I'd been running barefoot and was only thinking about them for trail purposes and wouldn't be back to yell at him. Of course I hated them and didn't buy a pair but he didn't seem too upset by that either.

I do think there is a difference in people who ONLY run in VFFS and those who at least go bf sometimes. I think most of the only VFFers do it for the new cool gadget, as opposed to finding the best way to run. Hmm then again I don't actually go bf for any real reason. I just think its fun, so I guess I shouldn't talk like I have a more scientific reason for it :lol:
I still have not run in my

I still have not run in my KSO's. :p Saving it for colder temps.

I find now that I am barefoot running my walking step barefoot, or in KSO's seems to be moving more mid-foot, and is much lighter.
When I started wearing

When I started wearing Vibrams many moons ago, I was very embarrassed to go out in public with them

People these days are wearing them with pride
You are a pioneer, my man.

You are a pioneer, my man.
I'm an unashamed VFF (Bikila)

I'm an unashamed VFF (Bikila) owner. Holier than thou BF purist prigistas don't bother me. I'm sure they're entitled to their opinions.

Actually, I am happy to have my VFF's to both extend my running season and to open new areas to me that would otherwise require a walk through first. I primarily consider myself a barefoot runner. Just as I am not likely to proslytize shodders to run BF, I won't pressure BFR's to pollute their soles. Oh, and I'd never smart mouth a shoe salesperson.
I work downtown near a very

I work downtown near a very large urban college campus. I have yet to see any Vibram wearers when I walk through campus. Maybe they aren't so trendy here in Chicago.
I'm hoping to actually switch

I'm hoping to actually switch over to a Roman Chiton sometime early next year

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