Hello all. BF newbie in training


Feb 26, 2012
Hello everyone. I am a newbie to barefoot running. Actually I want to walk first. If I ever run it will be a miracle.

Here is some history -

I have never been able to run but since i turned 36 I begin having issues with PF in my both feet. I did not know it was PF at the time because of my lack of knowledge. I just assumed getting older my feet would hurt. I then found out it was no so. I did what everyone else. I went to podiatrist after podiatrist and heard the same thing. Do these stretches and ice water on the foot. I was upset and even went to physical therapy to get help. Nothing helped me at all.

A final time i decided to go to someone a friend suggested. It was a chiroprator of all thngs. I have always thought why would I go to one. I believe if you go to one you will always to go to one. That was to my lack of knowledge. I have sense got PF almost cured by him. I mean at the time i would not walk around block without feet hurting or running with my daughter. Now i can do most of that. He did the graston technique on me. I do not recommend it for the light hearted. I mean it hurts like nothing you have every seen.

Now i am on a journey to figure out how to keep PF down and get it not hurting in the heels. Also i noticed from all the doctors and everythin that they where not attaking the source of the issue. This is something with my feet and I was on mission to find out why other people.

Then a friend gave me "Born to Run " book. I do not read much at all due to me going to school and reading all the time. I was shocked to see how he had all these issues and cured them by running naturally. Now i have been trying to get all the information I can about barefoot running. I joined this forum because of jason Robillard. I heard that this was a good forum to learn from. I hope to learn from everyone here.
welcome. there are lots of

welcome. there are lots of posts on PF. most of us here have or had it one time or another. the pain will lessen and hopefully for you go away forever. it takes time, a long time so don't give up.

Because of Jason!  Well,

Because of Jason! Well, alrighty then. I guess Jason is good peeps. ;-)

Welcome! Glad to have you here!
I have your email, and I will

I have your email, and I will try to respond soon. Thanks!

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