FREE Webinar: Lumbar Lordosis and the Evolution of Bipedal Locomotion

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
From: Evidence Based Fitness Academy

Get ready for the next *free* educational webinar from EBFA! Join EBFA Founder Dr. Emily on Weds June 8th as she takes a closer look at the spine engine, lumbar lordosis and the evolution of bipedal locomotion.

This webinar will GREATLY help you understand why your patients and clients need transfer plane thoracic and pelvic mobility for optimal gait patterns.

You will not look at walking the same after this one hour webinar!


The human system seeks homeostasis and efficiency. These concepts carry over into walking and the evolution of bipedal locomotion.

Join Dr. Emily as she explores how the unique spinal curvatures of the human spine - namely lumbar lordosis - are critical to the energy transfer characteristic of bipedal locomotion.

Review the concept of the "spine engine" as it relates to gait and how thoracic spine mobility is essential to optimal function.

Wednesday, June 8th

9pm - 10pm EST

**Will be recorded and archived!**



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