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  1. paintboy


    I've done that. 6 turned in to 12 because the turn around can't be much further.
  2. paintboy

    People's reactions when you run

    Had a lady tell me that running barefoot was bad for my knees. I thought of stopping to discuss it with her but I was flying down hill and was having too much fun to care.
  3. paintboy

    Why barefoot runners never win...a closed-minded view

    With the vast differences in people, how could this be an accurate study? Age, weight, training, genetics, body fat %, length of time running barefoot etc. I run faster now after 2 years of bare and minimal running than I did 20 years ago but it's not because of the shoes or lack there of...
  4. paintboy

    Why do you run?

    I started running to keep up with my daughter. I stay running because of that feeling I get when I'm a few miles out on a trail and there's nothing I can do about anything back there, my butt doesn't wiggle as much, I don't want yesterday's run to go to waste, I can almost keep up with my...
  5. paintboy


    Ramzev hit the nail on the head. Knowing the dynamics of my family, if I went on a planned group run on mother's day I probably wouldn't have to worry about the next mother's day.
  6. paintboy

    Tellman Short On Ca$h Again?

    His Elite barefoot running team didn't work out as planned. Just a couple dozen signed up instead of the 200+ he was hoping for. Since there was little money in it for him he didn't do as he promised. The group started a private forum and most stopped the monthly payments to Tellman.
  7. paintboy

    Barefoot Marathon, Done!

    WooHoo good job. I hope to join your ranks some day if I can quit burning my feet or stepping on sharp sticks.:)
  8. paintboy

    Mortifying question

    It has happened or will happen to all of us. We feel your pain.
  9. paintboy

    Running Style

    The shoes on babies thing is a neurological disorder that is passed on from one generation to the next and is enforced by anyone who has it. My grandparents were obsessed by it. Imagine Maryland in July. From the moment we woke up "put your shoes on. Your feet will get cold" ???? 90+ Cold feet...
  10. paintboy

    Trails and Barefoot Running

    I love running on trails too but find the trails around here to be not barefoot friendly at least for running. So I wear shoes. (gasps) NB minimus for me. Last Place Jason is the man to talk to about running trails successfully.
  11. paintboy

    Podiatrist of the Month

    It turns out that our gut sloshing around happens and it's normal and is designed to happen. It helps keep things moving through the system.
  12. paintboy

    Heat Blisters

    :-( I had to mow my grass with shoes one yesterday. My feet haven't healed enough yet to push a mower. 25 years of barefoot mowing down the drain. I need a tissue
  13. paintboy

    Stupidest question ever.

    I say put on a rainbow headband and prance away. And I just noticed that one of my children taped a razor blade to my desk. Completely off topic but school has only been out for a week. Makes me wonder.
  14. paintboy

    Heat Blisters

    I like the olive oil idea. Definitely have to do that with garlic.
  15. paintboy

    Heat Blisters

    So apparently really hot pavement can cause blisters. Picked up a couple really big ones yesterday and a few little ones. Guess its vff or lunas until they heal and perhaps I'll reconsider my hot day running plans. :-)
  16. paintboy

    Don't shorten your stride!

    Man this is a heavy conversation
  17. paintboy

    Don't shorten your stride!

    I go running. If no blisters then I did something right. I try to do it again next time.
  18. paintboy

    Earthing: Legit Concept or Pseudoscience BS?

    So if I take my shoes off I will collect electrons from the ground. I'll assume this is not some special property of the skin on my feet. The air is full of atoms with electrons too. The air is moving around more than the ground is, which equals more collisions, so more chances for electrons to...
  19. paintboy

    one of my ideas re running form - what do you guys think?

    I don't trust the video. He has shoes on.
  20. paintboy

    Barefoot running is not fast food.

    I agree with everyone