ITBand, crap!

My ITBand is killing me after my race yesterday :-( I'm wondering if my form is off. I think I was landing too much on the outside of my foot.
It started as a problem at the end of my 50, 2 weeks ago, and was fine this past week until yesterday.
Is it on both sides? Get lots

Is it on both sides? Get lots of stretching, pigeon pose is awesome for ITB tightness. Hope it's feeling better soon!
hope they continue to feel

hope they continue to feel better. I remember when I had some itb stiffness/soreness, I'd get about a mile into my run, break down into a pigeon pose on the path to stretch it out and head out on my merry way. Always did the trick:p
 I looked up the pigeon pose

I looked up the pigeon pose and will give it a try if I need it today. Someone on the Hal Higdon forum gave me a link to a yoga routine that helped them. I gave it a try and the result was Hubby and I doubled up in laughter. I am NOT a limber person! I'll have to get out my Yoga for Whimps book and see what modifications I can make.
Or just play Twister! 

Or just play Twister! Whatever works for you, Wendy, let us know. ITB is a tricky problem to resolve, I understand. Get well soon!
Is that a good thing?

Is that a good thing?
      Apparently!  The run

Apparently! The run went well yesterday. I had less soreness by the end of the run and it didn't last as long after. There is barely a twinge in my knee this morning. So for now I'm limited to 5 mile runs every other day.

Since we are headed to Florida Saturday, it will get a nice long rest. I might get in a couple of short runs if I can spring the dog from the kennel and take her on a jaunt early enough in the day so she isn't sick from the heat, but other than that it will all be wedding stuff. I have SO much to do and remember and today will be spent setting up dog food (she is raw fed) finishing the hand work on DD's wedding dress, packing, last minute errands etc. Tomorrow we pick up and load all her stuff and a bunch of furniture into a u-haul. My back will hate me by Saturday!

Time to go torture myslef with the roller again
And to those who don't have

And to those who don't have roller foam, can use rolling pin - just sit on chair and roll it over your IT-bands - works like dynamite!
   I'm still dealing with

I'm still dealing with some knee issues, and an thinking it may not be all ITBand. It seems like stretching my hamstring does more good. I have been running 5 miles every other day and found that if I run faster, it is less tender. Each run my knee is less sore after and Thursday I ran 3 miles after running 5 on Wednesday, (so first time running 2 days in a row since the problems started.) Weirdly, my knee didn't hurt at all yesterday so I guess I needed to just keep it moving. I'm headed out for a run again today, hoping it the tenderness stays away i can get in a long run.

Foam roller is definitely getting more comfortable, but I have been flaky about it the last few days. Need to get back to it. Sheesh, body maintenace has taken over my life, LOL
We'll keep our toes crossed

We'll keep our toes crossed for you, Wendy. Let us know how your run went.
I have IT band problems and

I have IT band problems and can give you some more advice. Find a good hip strengthening routine, weak misaligned hips can put your stride out of whack. Since I've been strengthening my hips I've had a lot fewer problems. I love the pigeon pose and my foam roller. I do yoga once a week. It helps, but it hasn't cured it, there are even a few more advanced poses that I have stopped doing and have found my IT band to be happier since stopping those few advanced poses. I am as flexible as a rubber band and still have issues so that does lead me to believe that hip strengthening has to be part of the solution.

Oh, and tight hammies goes along with IT band problems.

here's some good info from Running Times on hips and ITband: this is the routine I'm doing to strengthen my hips, usually do it while I do my night time TV watching.
runslikeagirl:   Great

runslikeagirl: Great information and good article as well. I said before how I started Yoga but have stopped, I actually found it to be worse for me, especially my lower back. I know just focus on pigeon stretches and any stretches that work the IT band and the foam roller. I have been doing hip strengthening exercises as well. The standing side-leg raises I find have been very helpful. I can really feel the burn in my hips and realized how much strengthening they really needed.
 Pigeon pose may not be

Pigeon pose may not be accessible to several people, or be not able to do it "correctly." A great alternative is leg-cradles....if you can't find a description by a search, let me know and I'll describe it. What's also wonderful about the leg-cradle, is that it's an easy transition to "Happy Baby" which is wonderful for the hamstrings....from your back, grab your big toes from the inside of the legs, knees to the chest, soles of the feet to the sky. Then slowly, with your breath, extend one leg, peddling one leg up, then down as the other leg goes up...after about five to ten reps with each leg, slowly extend both legs out and to the side to your capacity....this will also loosen and open up the hips.

I hope this helps :).
 You need a different teacher

You need a different teacher :). Your back, especially your lower back, should be getting better. If you want to give it another try I might be able to help you find a qualified teacher. If not, no big deal :).
Nate, is a martial arts and

Nate, is a martial arts and yoga specialist and owns a yoga studio you guys. :)

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