Small Victories

I did it!!!! I won one for the team!!!

I had to take a treadmill stress test as part of an annual physical for my job. The doctor showed me into the testing room and told me about the test. I said “Doc is there any chance I can run this barefoot”? He said no of course.

I explained that I never run in shoes and didn’t feel safe being forced to do it now. I said “How would it look to the county if I got hurt doing this test because I was forced to run in a manner that is unnatural to me”?

He got a funny look on his face, like your dog does when he’s thinking. He finally just shrugged his shoulders and let me do it.

Small victories…… Take em where you can get em.

awesome! good job! you

awesome! good job!

you should have told him running on a treadmill is almost as bad as running in sneakers and made him pace your with the monitoring equipement while you ran around the parking lot barefoot :) hahahahahhaa
Barefoot Chuck wrote: I said

Barefoot Chuck said:
I said “Doc is there any chance I can run this barefoot”? He said no of course.

Hope you did as well on the test as you did with your sharp response!

Of course not everyone will be as lucky or quick witted as you, and my recommendation to others in the same situation is to learn from your experience and NEVER ask permission, instead just do it.

In other words, prepare to run it barefoot and if questioned play it like " Run in shoes? You can't be serious! My podiatrist told me NEVER to ever run in shoes again ESPECIALLY on a treadmil after the injuries a I received from shod running!
Eldest children are often

Eldest children are often helplessly shackled to this "asking permission" folly. Look to a youngest to approach rules as "suggested guidelines" only.

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