The message is getting through


Apr 27, 2011
After 12 years of living a barefoot lifstyle, I am used to the comments that we all get. "Aren't your feet cold? Don't you get injuries? and Doesn't it hurt? being my top 3. In recent months I have had far more positive comments and questions which suggest that barefoot running and its benefits is becoming more recognised.

3 recent examples.

Having hiked up a 1000m mountain in Alaska, I joined the other tourists who had come up on the 'tram'. (Cablecar). A boy of about 13, with his family asks me "Do you run barefoot too? I have heard that it is really good and want to have a go"

Last week while running at lunchtime near my hospital, a young man stops me and says, "my chiropractor says I should try barefoot running to help my back. What do you think?"

Yesterday a work colleague who I have not met before said, " I need to talk to you about barefoot running. My next door neighbour does it and says its amazing!"

Do others think that there is about to be a barefoot running revolution? Bring it on I say!


Hampshire UK
Yes, I do.  It's taking place

Yes, I do. It's taking place as we speak. We average 2 million hits on this site each month. The numbers of people who are visiting have grown greatly. The last several days we have had 70-90 legitimate readers on the site all at once several times througout the day and night. The numbers in the wee hours of the morning are quite high as well, meaning there are people from all parts of the world accessing the site. I have stats for several different countries. This traffic is not crawlers or robots but legitimate authenticated and non-authenticated visitors! We are placing a load on the server we are on now, so we will be moving to a more robust, faster VPS server in the near future. Stay tuned for details, all.
 I noticed a change in

I noticed a change in attitude about a 1.5 years ago in local races when bystanders started cheering "go barefooter" at a race...since then really no negative comments only positive. I think alot of people have heard of this now and we are past the tipping point into slow steady growth...more like re-evolution.
I came across FIVE other

I came across FIVE other barefooters on yesterday evening's run! -- 4 teens hiking the single track trail I was running and an older guy walking the paved path around the park. Oh, and I passed a lady running in huaraches while pushing a double jogging stroller as I drove to the park!

Yeah, I think the message is getting through.


That's really cool!!  I've

That's really cool!! I've been coming into contact with a lot more people who have a posative outlook on barefoot running as well! I feel like it's on the verge of taking off. I've been the only barefoot runner in the last 4 races I've run, but I'm hoping, cooler weather come September will bring more feet streakers out of their hiding places!!

I'm glad to hear you all are

I'm glad to hear you all are getting positive feedback. I'm still getting told that I'm crazy or what's wrong with you here in my Air Force environment.
There are some witty folks in

There are some witty folks in the military! You'll have to post up the funny ones you get!

So far the only one I've gotten was, "Son, you got more guts than brains!" from a guy old enough to be my grandpa! He also whooped my ass in that race! haha!

I've seen a few people

I've seen a few people running in VFFs lately around where I live.

This winter, we will see a lull, with many barefoot runners going into hibernation or opting for footwear of some kind. We won't be seeing many newcomers around winter-time either but then with spring comes a boom.