Labral tear, FAI, dysplasia and hip arthritis


Apr 13, 2022
Tampa, Florida
The title of this thread is what my local doc just diagnosed me with. I'm a 55 female recreational runner. I've always worn stability running shoes with orthotics. Because of my hip pain (that started out of the blue 6 months ago) I'm just getting interested in barefoot running and also chi running.

Are there any studies that address hip issues for barefoot runners? Or any docs that have had success with patients running with the issues I have?

My doc's solution is total hip replacement and no running after. But I feel I'm not in enough pain to warrant THR.
A doctor should be with you shortly... :doctor:
pamela this is really tough ? over the net. so many issues w the hip from bone to labrum to soft tissue. you need imaging studies and a good sports doc to help you sort it out. if you are near me maybe i can help. my office is in west virginia.
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