Hello from France...


Aug 28, 2019
Hello all,

Originally English, I moved to Normandy, France in 2008 to follow the love of my life :)

I've always loved going barefoot, and I always thought that I hated running... it hurt and I just couldn't see the point. So I avoided it. A few years ago, however, I met someone wearing Vibram 5-fingers at a conference, and my life changed. I never even knew that minimalist shoes existed until then. I started wearing Xero sandals as my everyday "shoe" all year round (I can't go barefoot at work unfortunately), and my back, knee, and hip pain disappeared. I am, however, thinking of making a card to hand out especially in Winter - "No, my feet aren't cold", "If it makes you feel cold to look at my feet, look into my eyes", "Yes I run in them"...

What?! She runs now?

Yes, about 6 months ago, I started running - not completely barefoot yet (except on the treadmill), but in my minimalist sandals. I'm obviously still very much a beginner, so I've set myself the goal of running 5km in 30 minutes for my 50th birthday in October.
I'm here to unashamedly absorb your collective wisdom, as I'm self-taught up to now, going by the rule "if it hurts change it", and I'm keen to improve.:bookworm:
"if it hurts change it"

Perfect! That's exactly how it's done. And welcome! I hope you're able to find some good resources here. Everybody's quite friendly.

As for your former hatred of running almost all of us have been there. I was fooling myself into thinking I loved running but I was starting to hate it. I'm a really active guy in general so, yeah, of course I love running. Right? Why wouldn't I?

But I was mindlessly pushing myself too hard and focused on straining not training. In addition to taking the shoes off I've really become a better runner by slowing down. When you run barefoot you run easier because running harshly hurts your feet. When you run slower your whole run is more enjoyable. Then you run more because it's so enjoyable. Then you realize you're becoming a better runner as a side-effect of just enjoying the run so much more.
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Your posts are those of an enthusiastic and joyful soul. Different perspectives, energies, and experiences found on this site are welcome additions.
I agree. She's got a great personality! :happy:
You guys... you're too much :happy:
Thanks to everyone for the really warm welcome. I'm delighted to have discovered this forum.

It may be time to explain how I stumbled across you...

I'm planing to enter a 9km race next June (for me this is HUGE!), and I couldn't work out how to attach the chip running minimalist / barefoot. I found the dog collar suggestion and got hooked on your collective wisdom and erudition :bookworm:
You guys... you're too much :happy:
Thanks to everyone for the really warm welcome. I'm delighted to have discovered this forum.

It may be time to explain how I stumbled across you...

I'm planing to enter a 9km race next June (for me this is HUGE!), and I couldn't work out how to attach the c hip running minimalist / barefoot. I found the dog collar suggestion and got hooked on your collective wisdom and erudition :bookworm:
The dog collar one! Ha! :hilarious:
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I use a single old shoe lace around the ankle & find that works pretty well...:)
Aha, someone with a sensible suggestion! Does the plastic of the chip rub? I'm one of those infuriating people who can't stand labels in clothes, creases in the sheets, uneven seams... As a child, I empathised with that poor princess that they tormented by putting a pea under her mattress :angelic:
Oh, I've just found a chicken - delete :penguin: insert :chicken: above :happy:
Aha, someone with a sensible suggestion! Does the plastic of the chip rub? I'm one of those infuriating people who can't stand labels in clothes, creases in the sheets, uneven seams... As a child, I empathised with that poor princess that they tormented by putting a pea under her mattress :angelic:
Oh, I've just found a chicken - delete :penguin: insert :chicken: above :happy:
No I’ve not had that problem (I know what you mean about irritating labels etc next to the skin..).
I use a reasonably long shoelace-one that will loop around your ankle a couple of times. You can then tie it however loose or tight you like.. -turns into a DIY Blue Peter type anklet!...:cool:
Hello Noodles,
I would hope you have a better running climate in Normandy than in England. I was over there recently (England that is) and the rain nearly drove me crazy. It was supposed to be summer and the temperatures were below 20C and wet for 75% of the time. Maybe that's why I migrated to Australia many years ago.
Do they have any Park Runs in your neck of the woods? they are usually a good way to get to run with a group of people. I will get down to my local one now that the weather is warming up.
Barefoot running has made me a better runner, I may not be as fast as I once was in races but I believe I will have a longer running career where if I had continued to wear shoes I would have probably stopped by now.


I would hope you have a better running climate in Normandy than in England. I was over there recently (England that is) and the rain nearly drove me crazy. It was supposed to be summer and the temperatures were below 20C and wet for 75% of the time. Maybe that's why I migrated to Australia many years ago.
Do they have any Park Runs in your neck of the woods? they are usually a good way to get to run with a group of people. I will get down to my local one now that the weather is warming up.
I don't know how I missed your post Neil...
The climate is actually very similar in Normandy to England. My mum and I in true British fashion usually start our emails by talking about the weather.
I've just looked up Park Runs, and apparently there is one quite close to me. I'll try to pluck up courage and go along one day :shy: For the moment I'm enjoying running with my husband and alone, as I can try stuff out without feeling like an idiot!
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Barefoot running has made me a better runner, I may not be as fast as I once was in races but I believe I will have a longer running career where if I had continued to wear shoes I would have probably stopped by now.

That rings so true for me as well! In fact, at 39yo I was just about ready to quit running for good because I was so frustrated by constant shin splints. Go 3-4 miles every other day, take it slow ... shin splints. Rest a couple months, ride the bike just fine, try it again this time running slower ... shin splints.

I went first minimalist figuring at worst I'd get injured differently and quit anyway. Now at 46 I'm in some of the best shape of my life and running distances I never even dreamed of. It was like discovering the fountain of youth.

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