Mileage Reporting Week 4 (Jan 23 - Jan 29)

5 fun miles Tuesday at 5:00am, 52 deg. f. 58% Rh.
Slightly overcast but we could still spot the moon through the clouds.
We also spotted some rabbits (boulder really likes those)
8.6km today at around zero deg c.
Very dense fog this morning, so the ground was mostly damp and consequently still pretty cold, but actually not too bad for running once I'd warmed through. The flock of geese & swans, etc... on the lake seemed particularly large today & very vocal too -I guess they don't fly when it's foggy either (never really thought about that before).. Good run -legs & feet all feeling good:)..

I went out earlier in the week intending to run, but the temperature hit -7C (way too cold for me!) so I hit the gym instead. Did about 60 mins of cv stuff and then found a treadmill in a quiet corner -so I put it on its steepest incline and did a BF walking hill climb for 30 mins. Only covered about 2.5km but it seemed to work the legs pretty well...:barefoot:
Just a thought for all you treadmillers out there...

What makes the treadmill so much more bearable to me is having a nice virtual run to watch while i plod along. I've really enjoyed the videos on this channel...

You can download in full HD using this program...

If you have a treadmill at home then put a big screen up in front of it or if you have to use a gym then download onto a tablet and run along to that.

I love the nice sunny ones, makes winter so much nicer and really helps with my SAD.

Warning... the tight twisty ones will have you falling off the treadmill. Stick to the open flowing ones for a bit more safety. Do make sure you have the cut out clipped on if running with a video, a sudden left turn will have you thrown to the right and vice versa. Make use of the arm rests to hold onto when necessary. :D
Nice 4 mile run this morning. 35° and sunny. That's the longest run for me so far since going barefoot. Felt like I could have run another but didn't want to push it. 1 mile of the 4 was on exposed aggregate sidewalk (the rest on smooth concrete) which I haven't been able to run on before. Feet did great! I'm now 13 weeks into this barefoot scene and absolutely loving it!
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Just over 10km this morning.
Quite cold (somewhere round about freezing point), but a very still morning. The lake surface looked almost glass like, except where the local wildlife was splashing about of course.
Kept a fairly steady pace & felt comfortable all the way...:)
Good to see the mornings slowly starting to get a little lighter earlier too now (hurry up Spring!...).
I had this week off, was hoping to really get back at it. But as is usually the case the weather was pretty miserable most of the week, didn't get out until Wednesday. :sorry: Things warmed up Wednesday, barely in the winter challenge range and I got a nice 5.7 miles in. A bit conservative since I only had one really short run in the prior 5 days.:sorry::sorry: Back at it Thursday too with 7 miles at around 25F with wind chill. Feet were a little cold but fine. Then a couple days off and a run today, 7.8 miles at 23F with wind chill. We had some snow yesterday so parts of the trail had some snow and most of the rest was wet with fresh melted snow. I carried backup shoes in the pack but didn't touch em, the feet were fine.

So 20.5 miles for the week for me, all barefoot. Need to work on that and start getting a long run back into my routine, its been almost 2 months!

Also on 3 of my off days from running I got some time on the bike indoor, total for the week of 2:20 on the rollers for 34 miles.

Warning... the tight twisty ones will have you falling off the treadmill.
I can't wait till people try using those 3d goggles on the treadmill, will make some funny videos for sure. I usually watch a show on netflix on my phone while I'm on the bike indoors, I rarely watch tv otherwise so it's sort of my only time I take to watch a show. Takes a long time to get through a season though at my pace lol!
Our island maritime urban micro-climate brought us another winter thaw here in New York City, occasionally breaking above 50 degrees, but at the times I was able to get out for runs it was consistently below. So I got out for two long 12-mile all-barefoot runs this week, all barefoot. Rain washed away all the ice and all the salt, so it was pretty enjoyable (the bridge over the East River was a little cold, though). My slightly-frost-bit-blistered left second toe seems to be pretty well healed, although some loss of feeling or callousing remains. But I'm not wearing any more bandage on it, and it did just fine. So that's 24 barefoot miles this week.
Thursday's brick...

Ride... 1:37:56 - 26.68 miles - 1499 ft - Zwift London 8

Run... 46:36 - 5.2 miles treadmill.

Then i went away for the weekend, had a great time with friends and haven't done a thing since. :-D
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