Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2016: Cycle V

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
One last attempt at an ED, little-of-everything, first-thing-in-the-morning approach. If it doesn't stick, I may revert to my late-afternoon, EOD approach alternating lifting and aerobic/conditioning.

Workout A

Bike commute/ride to/from gym
Hill run?
Lifting 3x3
Overhead Press
Prowler intervals
medicine ball - vertical

Workout B

Bike commute/ride to/from gym
Hill run?
Lifting 3x3
Bench Press
Rowing intervals
medicine ball - horizontal
Suspension Straps

---------------Week 1: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 16.08.14
Early PM
Workout A

Bike commute/ride to/from gym: 7 mi.
Hill run: 20 yards
Squat: primed with empty bar
Overhead Press: primed with empty bar
Pullup: 3/2 x -40/-25 assist

Well, the shortened bike ride down to the river didn't feel as stupid as I thought it would. Still, it's only 1.5 miles of river path, the rest is bike lane or sidewalk riding getting there and back. Did my short hill run and then biked back up the steep ramp leading up from the banks to the bluff. At the gym I just primed everything.

OK, so I got in the first day of the cycle, let's see if I can keep it up.

Monday, 16.08.15

Tuesday, 16.08.16

Wednesday, 16.08.17

Thursday, 16.08.18

Friday, 16.08.19

Saturday, 16.08.20

---------------Week 2: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 16.08.21

Monday, 16.08.22

Tuesday, 16.08.23

Wednesday, 16.08.24

Thursday, 16.08.25

Friday, 16.08.26

Saturday, 16.08.27

---------------Week 3: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 16.08.28
Bike ride
11 mi

Monday, 16.08.29
Bike commute
Tuesday, 16.08.30
Bike commute
Wednesday, 16.08.31
Bike commute
Thursday, 16.09.01
Bike commute
Friday, 16.09.02
Bike commute
Saturday, 16.09.03
Bike commute

---------------Week 4: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 16.09.04
Bike commute
Monday, 16.09.05
Bike commute
Tuesday, 16.09.06
Bike commute
Wednesday, 16.09.07
Bike commute
Thursday, 16.09.08
Bike commute
Friday, 16.09.09
Bike commute
Saturday, 16.09.10
Bike commute

---------------Week 5: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 16.09.11
Bike ride
11 mi

Monday, 16.09.12
Bike commute

Tuesday, 16.09.13
Bike commute

Wednesday, 16.09.14
Bike commute

Thursday, 16.09.15
Bike commute

Friday, 16.09.16

Saturday, 16.09.17

---------------Week 6: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 16.09.18
Bike commute
Bike Ride

The part of the River Road that was blocked by a mud slide in 2014 has finally re-opened, giving me a few more route options. Now instead of heading south once I get to the river, I can go north right away, if I want to, towards downtown Minneapolis. I think I like this option better because I can avoid traffic altogether on my way back, and there are fewer older pedestrians, more young joggers and bikers, due to the UofM straddlign either side of the river.

Monday, 16.09.19

Tuesday, 16.09.20
Bike Ride

Was going to lift at the end of the ride, but it was starting to rain, and I want to ease into exercising again, to make sure I don't get sore and use that as an excuse.

Bike commute

A few more bike commutes, I can't remember which days.

---------------Week 7: Cycle V---------------

A few bike commutes, and maybe a bike ride, I can't remember.

---------------Week 8: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 16.10.02
Bike commute

Bike Ride
10.5 mi

Anytime gym (stop during bike ride)
OHP: 3 x 3@ 95
PU: 3 x 3 @ -45 assist

Now that the mud slide on the River Road has been fixed, this is my preferred rout. The route is mostly bike bath after the first two miles pedaling towards the river from my office, there fewer pedestrians to maneuver around, and there are a few small hill climbs to keep me honest. The Anytime Fitness gym is just one block off the bike path heading home, so that's cool too.

I think I will set the iron ratio base unit at 50, get everything there, and then begin microloading once again.

OHP: 100
Rw: 125
PU: 150
BP: 150
SQ: 200
DL: 230

I think, but am not sure, that I've overcome any mental obstacles to starting over.

Later my knees felt a little cranky, but nothing niggly. Rode an additional 4 miles dropping off and picking up the kids from a playdate on the other end of our neighborhood. The mother is a marathon runner.

Monday, 16.10.03

Tuesday, 16.10.04

Wednesday, 16.10.05

Thursday, 16.10.06

Friday, 16.10.07

Saturday, 16.10.08
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Recap of prior cycle: Overall I had a very sucessful cycle from and endurance perspective. I acheived my goal of finishing a 100 miler and then surpassed it by finishing a second. Both were extremely difficult races but had generous cut offs.

From the strength side towards the end of the cycle I hit a high point in the DL and squat but subsequently lost them.

Plan for cycle 5: I have two more siginificant endurance events planned for this cycle. So my actual plan will not start until the 4th week of the cycle. By then I suspect my strength levels will have deteriorated and I will attempt a 1rm for each lift to reassess my starting point. I will stick with the same plan as last cycle for the remainder of this cycle.

Endurance wise I will be doing a multiday fast pack along the Pennine way in week 2, my intial estimate is to complete it in 7 days a grand total of 255 miles. The schedule will be as follows:

Day 1 - 42 mi
Day 2 - 33 mi
Day 3 - 45 mi
Day 4 - 36 mi
Day 5 - 42 mi
Day 6 - 36 mi
Day 7 - 28 mi

In week 6 I have a 187 mile race planned, which has a 4 day cutoff. I will reassess my plan for this once the Pennine is complete as I have never done a multiday event like this before.

---------------Week 1: Cycle V---------------
Monday, 16.08.15

Bike Commute - 35k

Tuesday, 16.08.16
Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.08.17
Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 16.08.18

Friday, 16.08.19
Bike commute - 17.5k

Alright I'm signing off for a week to Scotland or bust. If you are really interested you can track me here

Saturday, 16.08.20
Hike/run - 75k
Started Pennine this day, was to be one of my biggest days. Weather was pretty shitty, rain and 100km/hr winds the whole day. I twisted my ankle right away. Trail was isolating and depressing, basically switching between bogs and fields with some significant climbs. One of my planned food stops didn't work out which caused a bit of an issue. Made it into the final stop around 9:00pm.

---------------Week 2: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 16.08.21
Hike/run - 60k
This was to be an easier day but the first 20k was in pouring rain. Trails were drenched and it was like walking though ankle deep swamps. Ended up drying out in the afternoon and was quite a pleasant day. My shins began to have the same issue as at Lakeland. Swelling and extreme discomfort. Saw a few more people this day. Finished at 7:00pm

Monday, 16.08.22
Hike/run - 20k
Again started out in the light rain, an hour into it the skies unleashed. I was stuck on top of a mountain in this harsh mess the small creeks were turning into large rapids where I was forced to wade through. I started fearing for my safety and after I descended down to the next road and decided to take the road back into town. At a couple of points I was wading through waist deep water on the road. I managed to hitch a ride down to town after we almost stalled out on a couple more water crossings. My left shin was extremely swollen and causing me significant discomfort. I ended up calling it a day and called a taxi to drive me to the stopping point for the day. Luckily she had a high 4wd vehicle and managed to pass through some significant flooding in Hawes. Rain stopped and it ended up turning into a beautiful day at the Tan Hill Inn. I finally was able to dry my clothes off on the room heater and tried to relax.

Tuesday, 16.08.23
Hike/run - 15k
I had woken up in the middle of the night having a very difficult time sleeping. My leg was throbbing and very uncomfortable. I decided to map out a bail out plan to help fight off the anxiety I was having at hiking again. Woke up around 4 and got packed up and headed out into the rain again. Went slogging through ankle deep mud again for the next 10k which was antagonizing my shin, I fell into the shitty bog up to my waist at two points. By then I was so fed up with the Pennine way. I hadn't enjoyed it at all up to this point and decided to use my bail out plan and eventually made my way to York and home eventually. I am trying to decide if I should write a blog post about the trip, but having a difficult time deciding as I have nothing nice to say about that miserable trail. Obviously the conditions weren't optimal so my experience is probably tainted but I was not mentally prepared in the least for that dreadful experience.

Wednesday, 16.08.24

Thursday, 16.08.25
Bike Commute - 35k

Bench - 3 x 5 @ 80kgs
Pull ups - 3 x 6 @ BW

Friday, 16.08.26
Bike Commute - 35k

Saturday, 16.08.27
Press - 3 x 5 @ 40/50/55
Low Pull - 5 x 10 @ 70kgs
Squats - 3 x 5 @ 60kgs
Ab roll outs - 2 x 10

Sunday, 16.08.28
Bike - 30k

Wow sore hammy from the squat and that workout lit up my shins. Still have pretty significant swelling on my left shin and have some pain in the right shin as well. Doc said shin splints but I can't figure out what specifically caused them. Rolling ankles, rocky terrain, overuse or everything. The hurt almost the entire day and resting is worse than movement. Starting a week of cardio rest though and then will rehab the shins so hopefully I can work back into running in the following week.

---------------Week 3: Cycle V---------------
Monday, 16.08.29

Bike Commute - 35k

Tuesday, 16.08.30
Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.08.31
Thursday, 16.09.01
Friday, 16.09.02
Saturday, 16.09.03
Sunday, 16.09.04

---------------Week 4: Cycle V---------------
Monday, 16.09.05
Tuesday, 16.09.06
Wednesday, 16.09.07

Bike Commute - 35k
Thursday, 16.09.08
Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 16.09.09
Bike Commute - 35k
Saturday, 16.09.10
Sunday, 16.09.11

Walk - 3 hrs

---------------Week 5: Cycle V---------------
Monday, 16.09.12
Tuesday, 16.09.13

Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.09.14
Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 16.09.15
Run Commute - 18k
Bike Commute - 17.5k

Friday, 16.09.16
Bike Commute - 17.5k

Saturday, 16.09.17
Sunday, 16.09.18

---------------Week 6: Cycle V---------------
Monday, 16.09.19

Bike Commute - 35k

Tuesday, 16.09.20
Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.09.21
Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 16.09.22

Friday, 16.09.23
Saturday, 16.09.24
Sunday, 16.09.25

Trail race - 185 miles

---------------Week 7: Cycle V---------------
Monday, 16.09.26
Tuesday, 16.09.27

Still running 185 mile race....

Wednesday, 16.09.28

Thursday, 16.09.29

Friday, 16.09.30
Bike commute - 35k

Saturday, 16.10.01
Sunday, 16.10.02
---------------Week 8: Cycle V---------------
Monday, 16.10.03

Bike Commute - 17.5k

Tuesday, 16.10.04

Hopefully today will be the day I get back into the lifting bandwagon...

Wednesday, 16.10.05

Thursday, 16.10.06
Bike commute - 35k

Friday, 16.10.07
Bike commute - 17.5k

Saturday, 16.10.08
Trail race 60k in 8:15

So now I am officially two race reports behind... Great race, I took it easy mostly. It took me about 20k before I felt normal. Heels were sensitive for 40k and then the pain just disappeared? The Compeed I was using removed a few layers of new skin and I am wondering if there was debris underneath on of those layers.
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-- assessment of last cycle --
everything got screwed up by the usual summertime life, travel, etc. the lifting was basically non-existent. running has been scattershot, but getting more consistent. oh, and it has been ridiculously hot (by our standards). but, the chip-n-seal is coming along nicely and isn't bothersome; so i hold out high hopes.

-- plans for this cycle --
same old, same old: try to get the lifting consistent and keep running.
new things: i am going to try to get some sleep. putting pullups back in the usual workout in place of the "rows". i need to develop a strategy for making sure i can run a long ways before my one race of the year, but not too close to race day.

-- week 1: august 14-20 --
sunday: 27.6mi (12.0mi chip-n-seal) at 9:51
monday: (33 minutes)
squats: ?x6 at 55/55/65/65/75/75lbs
pullups: 3x5
press: ?x6 at 55/60/60/65/70lbs

tuesday: 5.1mi (1.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:28
wednesday: 10.2mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:44

thursday: 10.2mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:44
(24 minutes)
squats: ?x6 at 65/65/75/85lbs
pullups: 4x4
press: ?x6 at 60/65/70lbs

friday: 10.2mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 9:13

total miles: 63.3mi, of which 34.6mi were chip-n-seal

-- week 2: august 21-27 --
sunday: 5.1mi (1.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:10
tuesday: 8.2mi (4.9mi chip-n-seal) at 7:59
wednesday: 11.6mi (4.9mi chip-n-seal) at 9:24 (ran with a friend who had a self-described "spectacular flameout"; plus it was hot)

thursday: 5.8mi at 7:37
(23 minutes)
squats: ?x6 at 65/65/75/85lbs
pullups: 6/5/3
press: ?x6 at 60/65/75lbs

friday: 2.2mi at 8:10
3x6 at 85lbs, the 3 more repetitions until something felt weird in the tendons/ligaments above and below my left kneecap. so i stopped. everything seems fine a couple days later.

total miles: 33.1mi, 11.7mi of which were chip-n-seal

-- week 3: august 28-september3 --
sunday: 28.3mi (10mi chip-n-seal) at 12:07; pretty hot. included a 4mi/1:30 walking stint in the middle where i met up with some friends who are going to try to get on the exercise train and a brief ride home in a car to grab a new shirt. i think i got overheated at the end of the walk when the sun came out because i actually had to sit/lie down while my buddies grabbed some frozen water bottles. but, i revived and when i got home decided to keep going and put in another 9 miles or so (very slowly and running from drinking fountain to drinking fountain, of course)

2.1mi at 9:55; then in the late afternoon, i decided to go running again to see what would happen. the premise of the day was to experiment with starting and stopping since that is inevitable in a 50-mile race. i started out really slow, but then got going and felt really good, but my kid on the bicycle was like, "maybe we should go home, that thunder is kind of close". despite the bright sunshine, yes, there was a thunderstorm two miles to the north or something, so we turned around and went home short of my very simple goal of 3 miles. there's always tomorrow if i can get to bed on time and the lord wills...

monday: 10.3mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 10:03 (long day yesterday and hot today, so trying to be careful even though the legs felt really good)

tuesday: 6.0mi at 7:56
wednesday: 10.1mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 7:29
thursday: 10.3mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:21
friday: 5.8mi at 7:03

total miles: 73.1mi, of which 30.7mi were chip-n-seal

-- week 4: september 4-september 10 --
sunday: 6.4mi (3.2mi chip-n-seal) at 8:39
(?15 minutes)
pullups: 6/5/3
squats: 2x6 at 65lbs
deadlifts: 2x6 at 65lbs
press: 2x6 at 55lbs

monday: 2.3mi at 8:07, 1.85mi at 8:28; to/from the labor day parade pushing two children in the stroller

tuesday: 1.0mi at 9:32; running with children
10.2mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 10:06

(23 minutes)
pullups: 6/5/3
squats: 3x6 at 65lbs
deadlifts: 3x6 at 75lbs
press: 3x6 at 55lbs

wednesday: 6.25mi (4mi chip-n-seal) at 8:12

thursday: 5.3mi (2.1mi chip-n-seal) at 7:19

(36 minutes)
pullups: 6/6/4
squats: 6x6 at 65lbs
deadlifts: 4x6 at 85lbs
press: 6x6 at 55lbs

friday: 1.0mi at 9:11, 10.3mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 7:49

total miles: 44.9mi (23.1mi chip-n-seal)

-- week 5: september 11-september 17 --
sunday: 10.2mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:49
monday: 5.2mi (1.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:03
tuesday: 4.0mi at 7:31
Wednesday: 8.3mi (4.9mi chip-n-seal) at 7:52
thursday: 1.0mi at 9:09, 7.2mi (4mi chip-n-seal) at 7:56
friday: 1.0mi at 8:27, 10.4mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:07

total miles: 47.4mi (24.6mi chip-n-seal)

-- week 6: september 18-september 24 --
sunday: 2.3mi at 7:43, 2.8mi at 8:24 (to/from soccer game with kids on bikes)
monday: 1.0mi at 8:43, 4.2mi at 8:11
tuesday: 1.0mi at 10:28, 8.5mi (5.2mi chip-n-seal) at 8:39
thursday: 10.2mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 9:04
friday: 1.8mi at 9:06, 10.3mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 9:25

total miles: 42.4mi (19.0mi chip-n-seal)

-- week 7: september 25-october 1 --
sunday: 10.2mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 9:12
monday: 5.2mi (1.9mi chip-n-seal) at 7:33
tuesday: 1.7mi at 9:20, 3.8mi at 6:36
wednesday: 0.7mi at 9:57
thursday: 10.2mi (6.9mi chip-n-seal) at 8:20

-- week 8: october 2-october 8 --
sunday: 6.4mi (4.0mi chip-n-seal) at 9:39
monday: 6.3mi (4.0mi chip-n-seal) at 8:37
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Reactions: Bare Lee and Abide
Recap of prior cycle: Overall I had a very successful cycle from and endurance perspective. I achieved my goal of finishing a 100 miler and then surpassed it by finishing a second. Both were extremely difficult races but had generous cut offs.

From the strength side towards the end of the cycle I hit a high point in the DL and squat but subsequently lost them.

Plan for cycle 5: I have two more siginificant endurance events planned for this cycle. So my actual plan will not start until the 4th week of the cycle. By then I suspect my strength levels will have deteriorated and I will attempt a 1rm for each lift to reassess my starting point. I will stick with the same plan as last cycle for the remainder of this cycle.

Endurance wise I will be doing a multiday fast pack along the Pennine way in week 2, my intial estimate is to complete it in 7 days a grand total of 255 miles. The schedule will be as follows:

Day 1 - 42 mi
Day 2 - 33 mi
Day 3 - 45 mi
Day 4 - 36 mi
Day 5 - 42 mi
Day 6 - 36 mi
Day 7 - 28 mi

In week 6 I have a 187 mile race planned, which has a 4 day cutoff. I will reassess my plan for this once the Pennine is complete as I have never done a multiday event like this before.
Congrats on a successful cycle! And have fun on the Pennine Way. I walked a week of it with an English friend I met in Japan. A little soggy, but very nice.
Congrats on a successful cycle! And have fun on the Pennine Way. I walked a week of it with an English friend I met in Japan. A little soggy, but very nice.

Thanks BL, what part did you do?

Yes I have learned to expect soggy in the UK and Ireland. I still am amazed how the higher you climb up a mountain the soggier and soggier they get. Full fledged swamps on mountain tops you would think water flows up there... I wonder if their toilets flush the opposite direction too?

I did read they put stones down in some of the wettest parts of the Pennine way so that might help some. Hopefully this amazing weather patern we have been having sticks around, but I think I used up all of my good weather luck with my last two races. I'm still trying to get my pack together and keep it under 15lbs. fully loaded with water and food. I ended up picking up a cheap bivy for an emergency rather than bring my tent with. If all goes well I won't need them though as I plan to stay in hostels. Still up in the air about bringing the camera?
Thanks BL, what part did you do?

Yes I have learned to expect soggy in the UK and Ireland. I still am amazed how the higher you climb up a mountain the soggier and soggier they get. Full fledged swamps on mountain tops you would think water flows up there... I wonder if their toilets flush the opposite direction too?

I did read they put stones down in some of the wettest parts of the Pennine way so that might help some. Hopefully this amazing weather patern we have been having sticks around, but I think I used up all of my good weather luck with my last two races. I'm still trying to get my pack together and keep it under 15lbs. fully loaded with water and food. I ended up picking up a cheap bivy for an emergency rather than bring my tent with. If all goes well I won't need them though as I plan to stay in hostels. Still up in the air about bringing the camera?
If I remember correctly, we skipped the first leg, which is a long day starting near the Scottish border, then walked a week. I could look up in my journal where we ended up, but it was about a week of moderately paced hiking, nothing challenging. I remember Hadrian's wall and staying in hostels for the most part, sampling the suds in local pubs. We went in early April I think, maybe late March, so it was sill chilly.

Well, film is cheap these days. Do you have a small point-n-shoot?
If I remember correctly, we skipped the first leg, which is a long day starting near the Scottish border, then walked a week. I could look up in my journal where we ended up, but it was about a week of moderately paced hiking, nothing challenging. I remember Hadrian's wall and staying in hostels for the most part, sampling the suds in local pubs. We went in early April I think, maybe late March, so it was sill chilly.

Well, film is cheap these days. Do you have a small point-n-shoot?

Cool I know exactly the part you are talking about. And that's my plan to drink as many pints as I can along the way!

I do have a p&s but it's not really that small, it weighs a pound and then I probably will have to bring an extra battery or two. But the quality of photos will be much better than my phone which is what I usually use. Then I probably need a dry case to keep it safe?
Ziplock bag?

Yeah I use them for everything. I was more worried about breaking the thing and it not being that accessible anyway. I think due to my weight concerns its going to be a casualty. I am at 12.5 lbs with no water and food. 3l of water adds another 6.5 pounds and then probably 2-3lbs more of food. That's 20lbs... ouch. Good thing my pack holds it together well.
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Reactions: Bare Lee
alrighty boys and girls, the time has come to revive this thread. abide has gone on his epic mud adventure (sorry that it turned out to be a bummer, man), lee is strumming his bass guitar, and the school year is getting under way...

summer time always seems to cut into my weightlifting. i guess i start out feeling good and excited; and then spend all my time running instead of lifting. so far, the competition for scarce resources seems to be concentrated on time rather than the adaptive ability of my body. but, the summer is surely ending at some point (despite yesterday and the day before being the hottest running temperatures of the year for me) so let us make plans!

i am now close enough to my one race of the year that i sat down and planned things out so i don't have to think about how far i want to run on which days without burning up. looking at the running plan also made me realize that i could and should revive the weightlifting.

so, the basic plan is to keep running without pushing the boundaries at all. it seems like all the slow running (in the heat!) and the focus on chip-n-seal is finally paying dividends. when the temperature goes down even a little and i decide to run not-super-long, i have been able to throw down some pretty fast (for me) paces without feeling like i'm working very hard at all. so, i'll try to keep the chip-n-seal going and everything else fairly slow and easy. simultaneously, i am starting to add in the weightlifting on a sunday/tuesday/thursday plan starting *very* low with a plan of creeping upward with the loads because i want to be neither stressed nor injured on race day.

anyways, that's where i'm at at the moment.
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Reactions: Bare Lee
Haven't been checking in out of shame and despair. Coincidentally, I did happen to check in yesterday and saw BA's report. Cool to see your training strategy working out. I still spend most of my time barefoot, but I do miss running over harsh surfaces. I think I need to find a gravely hill.

Anyway, lots of personal disruptions, but mostly a lack of commitment to the early morning plan, which is ironic since I wanted to adopt it in order to avoid all the interruptions to my preferred late afternoon workout routine.

I used to run early in the morning sometimes, no problem, so it can be done. So why the lack of commitment? One, I think, is I don't like cycling when it's dark out. Second, it's a little hard to motivate to lift heavy objects first thing, on an empty stomach, although I found out in February that it's not so bad after a few days of getting used to it. Third, it's boring to cycle for fitness purposes and I don't like cycling in traffic.

So I'm thinking maybe I'll try to run hills a bit, then cycle to the gym along the university bus route/bike path and do all six of my basic lifts there at easy loads. Then, in the afternoon when I have time, I could do one of the four big barbell lifts more intensely in my garage gym. So a possible schedule would be:

Monday-Friday, AM (first thing):
1-3 hill sprints near home,
Bike commute to gym
SQ, OHP, DL, Rw, BP, PU: 2x5
Bike commute to office

PM (late afternoon)
Bike commute home
Monday: SQ: 3x3
Tuesday: OHP: 3x3
Wednesday: DL: 3x3
Thursday: BP: 3x3
Friday: SQ: 3x3

Saturday or Sunday: longer bike ride

I would emphasize Pull-ups a bit more in the morning, since the gym has a nice assisted Pullup station, and at home all I have is Pulldowns due to my low garage ceiling.

Anyway, just a thought. At the very least, forgoing any kind of serious bike ride during the week and keeping the loads relatively low in the morning might help me break out of this fitness funk.
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that sounds good. as always, the main issue is just to do something, anything, for some tiny amount of time and then build from there. that's kind of what happened with the chip-n-seal and gravel for me and i'm trying to transfer some of that "discipline" over to weightlifting. of course, two nights ago i went to bed late, so i skipped last night in hopes of getting enough sleep.

i don't know if i am getting older, wiser, dumber, weaker, more "mature", or more sensitive or what; but... i am becoming more cognizant of little tiny changes in my experience of life that change when i get less sleep:
* more likely to get "sick"
* my eyes are less tolerant of brighter/bluer light (not so great when i work on a computer
* at the extreme, there's always that one tooth that starts talking to me
* oh, and of course, the amount of patience available to deal with juvenile humans...

live and learn, die and forget it all...
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I'm alive and not stuck in the mud anymore still nursing my wounds a bit trying to get my shit together. Heading out in about 6 hours for my last race of the season. Still very unsure about the shin issue and I have resorted to the far end of the spectrum regarding barefoot and shoes it feels like I'm an impostor here.

The good news is I have 96 hours on my feet starting later today to come up with my weightlifting plan for the next few weeks and year. Still wanna hit the goal 100 miler plus 400lb deadlift in the same year!

Anyway another live tracking race here is a link if your interested I'm number 90. I'll be back next week!
I'm alive and not stuck in the mud anymore still nursing my wounds a bit trying to get my shit together. Heading out in about 6 hours for my last race of the season. Still very unsure about the shin issue and I have resorted to the far end of the spectrum regarding barefoot and shoes it feels like I'm an impostor here.

The good news is I have 96 hours on my feet starting later today to come up with my weightlifting plan for the next few weeks and year. Still wanna hit the goal 100 miler plus 400lb deadlift in the same year!

Anyway another live tracking race here is a link if your interested I'm number 90. I'll be back next week!

Good luck Abide! I love running in the Brecon Beacons. 185miles, wow that's just awesome! Wales is beautiful.
Good luck Abide! I love running in the Brecon Beacons. 185miles, wow that's just awesome! Wales is beautiful.

Thanks Ske, I really had no idea what I was getting into and was worried it would be like the Pennine way all over again. But it ended up being one of my favorite places I have ever ran. Such diversity in terrain and runnable trails! What a trip and I did significantly better than planned. I'll put up a race report soon. But here was what we were treated to climbing up the black mountain in the Brecon beacon park.


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On a much humbler scale of events, I think I'm officially giving up on the early morning routine, at least until I can achieve some semblance of my former lifting fitness in the privacy of my own garage. I'm also loosening my commitment, which existed more in theory than in practice anyway, to the everyday routine, and going back to some version of my EOD routine, which has always worked for me in the past. However, I do like the assisted pullup machine in the gym I joined, and also I like being able to do Overhead Presses while standing up, so an idea is to do Squats, Bench Press, Deadlift, and Rows in my garage gym, then Overhead Presses and Pullups in the commercial gym at the end of my bike rides. It's also been hard to commit to going on a bike ride everyday, just too boring. So a possible AB alteration would be
Bike Commute + SQ/DL/BP/Rw (+ Hills?)
Cycling + OHP/PU (+ Prowler/Rope conditioning?)

This maintains elements of a ED routine, inasmuch as I would be lifting everyday, but doing different lifts affecting different areas of the body, and also bike commuting still on my pure lifting days and maybe running some hills. So some aerobic and anaerobic work everyday, but with one or the other being emphasized a bit more.

It would also be nice to spread out the six lifts still, but have the hardest lifts--SQ, DL, BP--concentrated on the same day, so I don't burn out.

Time will tell if this ends up as just another failed plan, but I gotta do something to get out of this mental slump.

Looking forward to Abide's report . . . .
But here was what we were treated to climbing up the black mountain in the Brecon beacon park.

I remember those views fondly, looks like you caught a roll cloud. And congrats on the finish! Look forward to the report when you're up to writing it.

Lol, the Pennine way is a strange one, no fun if find yourself up to your chest in a bog being eaten alive by the local insect swarms.

On a much humbler scale of events

Seems like you've hit a slump Lee. It's always hard to get back on the horse, especially if the horse has changed and you're not sure the new colt is going to bolt or not. Must have been a real jolt when you found out about your knees.
I wish I could chime in with the weights but you're all speaking another language to me, I have no clue about any of that stuff. I got your back though! You'll find a solution that works for you Lee, i'm sure of that!
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Seems like you've hit a slump Lee. It's always hard to get back on the horse, especially if the horse has changed and you're not sure the new colt is going to bolt or not. Must have been a real jolt when you found out about your knees.
I wish I could chime in with the weights but you're all speaking another language to me, I have no clue about any of that stuff. I got your back though! You'll find a solution that works for you Lee, i'm sure of that!
Thanks for the encouragement Ske.

Yah, not running has been tough. No other aerobic exercise is as satisfying. But perhaps my knees will tolerate the occasional hills.

Lifting-wise, I actually did my heaviest squats after the news about my knees, so no excuses there. I think once I got over 300 I wanted to continue making progress and got frustrated by some of the 2015 end-of-the-year interruptions, and then disastrously tried to adopt an early morning routine to avoid them. I still think it can be done, as Abide and a million other early morning lifters can attest, but it's really hard for me to get motivated first thing. I liked running first thing in the morning, but it doesn't take the same psyching up as approaching a 3-rep max on the weights. But it could still happen. Right now the main problem is that I've gotten so out of my game that any excuse is enough to put it off another day. So I think it's best to revert to what's worked in the past, and then, once I'm back at a certain level, maybe try early morning lifting again.

For bike riding first thing, it seems a bit harder to motivate for than running first thing. I don't like riding in the dark, especially in any kind of traffic, but with running you can stay safe on the sidewalks. And with winter approaching, end of the day cycling is probably the only way it would remain practicable anyway. The added windchill of cycling will make those lower morning temps feel even lower. Plus it's important to get in a little sunshine during the shorter days.

The good news is that my knees feel great these days. So I'll take that as the default and back off at any sort of niggle as I get back into shape. I won't feel any pressure to maintain a certain level despite a niggle, because I have no level. I've also gone without a head cold for a long long time. So maybe exercise isn't so healthy after all?!? The bad news is my body is starting to feel like shit, so lethargic, and it's affecting my mood and concentration too. My old insomnia has reared its ugly head as well. I just can't sleep well without regular exercise. So I'm off now to my garage gym. Time to dust off the plates and get back at it.
The good news is that my knees feel great these days. So I'll take that as the default and back off at any sort of niggle as I get back into shape. I won't feel any pressure to maintain a certain level despite a niggle, because I have no level. I've also gone without a head cold for a long long time. So maybe exercise isn't so healthy after all?!? The bad news is my body is starting to feel like shit, so lethargic, and it's affecting my mood and concentration too. My old insomnia has reared its ugly head as well. I just can't sleep well without regular exercise. So I'm off now to my garage gym. Time to dust off the plates and get back at it.

Great news about the knees Lee, when you mention hills you mean running up them, not down?
I think colds and exercise go hand in hand, there's loads on the net about it. I know if I do a heavy workout i'm normally stuffed up the next day so there's definitely something to it.
The lethargic cycle is actually quite easy to break, we all get them. I can't count the times i've had to start from scratch through one thing or another. One thing I do know I always feel better when I get pro active about exercise, not in a forced way, that'll get you nowhere, you've got to enjoy what your doing. Music often helps with me, a thumping snare usually does a good job of blowing out the cobwebs and getting me motivated.
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Great news about the knees Lee, when you mention hills you mean running up them, not down?
I think colds and exercise go hand in hand, there's loads on the net about it. I know if I do a heavy workout i'm normally stuffed up the next day so there's definitely something to it.
The lethargic cycle is actually quite easy to break, we all get them. I can't count the times i've had to start from scratch through one thing or another. One thing I do know I always feel better when I get pro active about exercise, not in a forced way, that'll get you nowhere, you've got to enjoy what your doing. Music often helps with me, a thumping snare usually does a good job of blowing out the cobwebs and getting me motivated.
Thanks, yah, I would be running up and walking down. Just to get a little bit of that great feeling of running motion, and a little extra bare sole stimulation, although my plantar calluses are OK with the bare walking and riding I do. I think there's a chance that running up would be low enough impact that my knees could take it. And it's probably not long enough for the repetitive aspect to irritate them. I think it was the longer, steady running that really irritated the menisci. They are basically rubbery shock absorbers, so lower shock and less of it should allow them to bounce back into form quicker.

That's interesting about colds and exercise. I thought it was supposed to be the opposite?

This is the first lethargic cycle I've experienced that hasn't involved a drastic break in lifestyle. My pattern up until now, over 30+ years, has been to lift/run when living a settled life, and give it up while traveling. No traveling this time to use as an excuse. It's interesting though, that I became lethargic right after I reached about the longest I've ever exercised consistently, about 3 years. In the past, that's been as long as I've ever lived in one place, so the break was somewhat 'natural.' Wherever I went afterwards usually meant no weights available, although I was usually living a pretty healthy/active lifestyle, so I was still get exercise, just not as a regimented routine.

So, I guess this is lesson in consistency. Finding a way to let go of goals when the motivation ebbs but still get something, anything in. Yesterday's ride and short lifting session felt pretty good, so I'm pretty sure I'm ready to get back at it. Plus I'm almost ready to move up one size in my pants, which would be expensive. I think the heavier I get the more I snore too, so it would be nice for my wife if I lost some weight.

Music is definitely a big help. The biweekly jams have been going really well lately, and my guitarist takes the 90 minutes of so we play and edits it down to 42 minutes, the classic album length, so that takes up a good part of a bike ride. Later today I hope to clean up the garage gym and then I can crank my Pandora stations over the speakers there. I generally don't like to wear headphones while lifting, kind of screws up my sense of body-in-space.

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!

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