Here's how I became faster from 2 months of training than in the past 6 YEARS combined


Here's how I became faster from 2 months of training than in the
past 6 YEARS combined

By Mitch Gillespie

It started with my jaw dropping as I pulled out my phone to stop the run..


There’s NO way..

Did I really just do that?

*I look down to check as my jaw drops.. again*

It’s true.. I actually did it.. I got faster.

And it was THAT easy!?

Those were my thoughts after I finished a recent run where I was truly shocked by my new speed..

A recent run where I ran faster than my 5k pace.. for significantly longer than a 5k..

My first jaw drop was because I had never been this fast.. even after 6 years of running and trying all different types of training and cross training.

But the second jaw drop happened because I realized that my past 2 months of training were more effective than anything I had done in the past 6 years.. AND it was easier.

The thing is, during that run I could have pushed even harder and kept going, but since I was already running 1.5 minutes per mile FASTER than I thought that I could.. I considered it enough.

I honestly didn’t think that I could get that fast, and in fact I thought it was nearly impossible.

As it turns out.. I was flat-out WRONG.

I Was Flat-Out WRONG.

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:meh: Meh... apparently you have to sign up to read the whole thing. I hate these type of articles that scream of clickbate. I get faster pretty much every year. I think just being out there and running will make you a little faster as time goes on. For the most gains I feel like interval work is best, especially for the shorter races, 5k, 10k etc.
:meh: Meh... apparently you have to sign up to read the whole thing. I hate these type of articles that scream of clickbate. I get faster pretty much every year. I think just being out there and running will make you a little faster as time goes on. For the most gains I feel like interval work is best, especially for the shorter races, 5k, 10k etc.
x2, with Tristan on this one.
Mitch has been a member since 2011. His first post was in December 2011 where he introduced himself in the New Member Introductions forum. He has contributed to the site before with Why Do You Run? This new article is in a different format and does smell of clickbait, but I couldn't find an obvious, ulterior motive. What are you guys seeing beyond that?

I asked the author to respond here to your comments. You guys be nice now! :cool:
Thank you, TJ. I did go to the link and watch the video and explored the site. I will say I don't think it is any kind of viral or malware site and that I think the video is a legitimate attempt to promote his services and his site. This will likely continue with newsletters to my submitted email account. A person engaging and contributing in a positive way certainly has more credibility than one who signs up and starts marketing in a single leap. I have other thoughts, but I think they may be more useful should Mitch want a critique.
AHH Clickbait! Run!


Tristan.. such harsh words from a fellow Ohio-an.

To answer your questions, no. It is not clickbait.

I attempted to come off genuine, but I have much to learn :).

Signing up for my newsletter (which is what will happen when you enter your email) is something for anyone who is determined (or curious) to learn more about becoming faster in a healthy and sustainable way, and anyone can unsubscribe at any time they choose.

If giving out your email gives you the heeby jeebies, you can bypass the process and watch the video here:

Any feedback is appreciated :pompus: .

I'm simply trying to provide awesome information to people who may benefit from it.
Don't want to be too tough on a fellow barefooter, but I felt like he kept telling me what I needed to do, but never seems to get to the point. My mind kept wandering off (got three kids making noise in the background and been a long day). If I got it right, this was his three points.

1) Make a plan
2) Be serious about recovery (he shows a ball, what do you do with the ball? I can't recall)
3) Train to run faster

I can't recall any specific things I needed to do to achieve those points, but I do agree with his points. For me number two has been key.
If the information could be condensed without all the preamble, felt like it was an info commercial, but wait there is more, it could be very helpful. But have to give him credit for video taping himself and starting a runners website. Not bad for starters, could develop into something better. So stay tuned as he fine tunes his message.
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Listen, I'm not the best in the world at this and I obviously couldn't claim to be, but I love to learn and I'm obsessed with becoming an amazing runner just like everyone else here.

I used to be horribly slow and I realized that I didn't want to deal with that anymore so I did something about it. And although I'm just a guy who really wanted to share what I've learned and not a Harvard credentialed running expert, I DID find a solution after reading dozens of books that has worked for me and a couple other runners I've worked with.

If that doesn't vibe with you, that's okay, but many people have read the article and watched the video and let me know they were more informed and better off than before.

As for the point I made with the ball, it was that you should already know what to do with it Dana ;)
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I have communicated with Mitch privately regarding other parts of his site. I am posting here more in defense of some of the things he has done. As for clickbait, I agree that it has that feel. However, there is a reason it exists; it pique one's curiousity. To that end, I think Mitch succeeded.

Others will not proceed further on this because we are asked to give up something for a trailer. Granted it is just our email addresses, but for many of us, that is not a "just". That is our connection to others and we prefer to keep that channel clear which is not easy. So many will not proceed on that alone. Others will continue and Mitch has to decide if getting an email list for newsletters is important enough to keep some from seeing the video.

As to the video content itself. Mitch needs to decide how much to give for the transaction. Granted he doesn't offer a lot of detail, but then he hasn't asked a lot in return. As a trailer and a marketing tool, I think Mitch's is on the right path. I was appreciative of the person talking video as opposed to the hyperwhite background displaying the narrated words which I dislike. He just needs to realize that we all get bombarded with so much. So don't expect the message it to be so strong as to override the delivery medium. The medium itself is a message (I tip my hat to Marshall McCluhan). Some of us, perhaps a lot of us, are going to be skeptical and that's not going to change.

There are examples of video trailers that do lead others forward to the next step. I would reccomend I all fairness and full disclosure, I am a huge Romanov fan. For me he provides the second part of the BF running equation. He provides the science behind why it works. I am biased. Nonetheless, the trailer on this site and similar trailers on the YouTube channel, PoseTV, do a good job a leading one to the next step.

I'm not saying duplicate Romanov, although you could do worse than get his certifications added to your creds. You can look at the video and see how the substance encourages one to move forward. I maintain a $6.00 monthly subscription to his pay channel. So, all this can work. One just needs to determine how to get the content to move others to the next step and decide how much to give for the transaction.

Bear in mind that no transaction is free. Even if there is no charge or no email address required, time is still a commodity and the viewer hopes to have something to take away from even this small investment. I wish Mitch good luck in his endeavors.
It felt spammy to me. From the headline, it seemed the article would be about how to run faster. Instead, it offered little but an enticement to click through to another website, and ultimately to a video (after giving an email address).

The video was well presented, but short on information. What was given in the video could have been put into a short article on the BRS site.

I feel as though the main purpose of the article was not to impart information on running faster, but, instead, to do the following.

  • Drive traffic to another website, where coaching services were offered.
  • Build an email list.
Granted, neither of those is a bad thing, and, this case is hardly the only instance of these on this site. But, I just can't help the feeling of annoyance that I was promised one thing and given another.
This new article is in a different format and does smell of clickbait, but I couldn't find an obvious, ulterior motive. What are you guys seeing beyond that?

Sorry didn't mean to start all that, usually I'm not a trouble maker I promise :p

I thought I recognized the name, just found it odd the way it was laid out. TD moose summed it up pretty good. We get a huge buildup and mentioning things like 'I was doing it all wrong', and then we get no info but a link to another page where we are promised a simple trick, the #1 secret, etc. This is exactly like when someone links something on facebook and takes you to some site or various popular websites out there with adds plastered all over "1 simple trick to ..." and "3 common foods you should never eat..." etc. etc.

I can't watch the video here at work and it may be a while before I get to check it at home, but I'm sure BF Mitch means well and has some helpful info, just the presentation was sketchy look'n for some of us. Carry on, no harm meant there Mitch ;)
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Fair enough.
ok, I bit the hook. I watched his first video. In that video he covers three topics: I) Three common mistakes by runners. II) 'Recover Quickly'. III) Practice running really fast. But no real information. All sizzle, no steak. Ok, I'm in this far, I thought to myself. So I clicked his second video. I) Do a good warm-up. II) Recovery methods. (Movement, Circulation, Feedback, Trigger points.) III) Get a ball and the magical Voodoo band. It reeked of a 'grass roots sales pitch' to buy Kelly Starrett's Voodoo band. Disclosure: I'm reading his book right now, "Ready To Run".
Summary of 'Run With Mitch' to get faster: Have a plan, warm up, run faster, buy Kelly's VooDoo Band thingy (a bicycle tire inner tube.)

Fort Wayne IN

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