Metabolic Triad Training, 2023: Cycle II

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of last cycle. The walking stayed pretty consistent, although I pied out on some of the coldest days. The lifting also became pretty consistent, but the conditioning was still pretty sporadic.

Consistency chart.png

I also started stretching more in between sets. I'll try to continue to do that. I've also found that the late afternoon time slot sometimes works just as well as the late morning time slot, although only the latter is really guaranteed.

Goals for this cycle. Maintain the consistency of the walking and lifting, and try to improve that of the conditioning. For the lifting I will hopefully graduate to the second or third training block, but I will spend some more time on the first one until the Squat and Overhead Press feel a bit easier, and I can improve my bar speed a bit. I will continue with my simplified ramping system:

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So I'll get in at least four worksets per lift, six if I ramp down two more sets. I may also do the Target set twice sometimes. It's a matter of finding the right balance between intensity and volume. The ramping gives me volume, but I wonder if I'm getting enough intensity with only one Target set?

Towards the end of last cycle, I combined the upper body lifts into a single session. I think I will continue to do that for this cycle, for a standard Upper/Lower split. However, if time is tight on the upper body days, I will minimally try to get in the Overhead Press, my weakest lift. The prioritization is: OP > PD > BP > RW. For the lower body sessions, it's SQ > DL.

---------------Week 1: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.02.26
Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 75/135/165/175/185/195
RDL: 2 @ 135/185; DL: 2 @ 225/235/245/255

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 3 mins, 690 total meters, 2:15 per 500 meters.

1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft.

Monday, 22.02.27
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 115/125/135/145
OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95/85/75

Tuesday, 22.02.28

Wednesday, 22.03.01
Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 75/135/165/175/185/195

Thursday, 22.03.02
1.8 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 171ft.

Friday, 22.03.03
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 115/125/135/145/135/125
OP: 3 @ 45/75/85/95/85/75
BP: 3 @ 45/95/115/125/135/145/135/125
RW: 3 @ 135/145/145

Tried to push the bar speed a bit. Felt good.

Saturday, 22.03.04

Anaerobic: Lower Body
RDL: 3 @ 135/185; DL: 2 @ 225/235/245/255

---------------Week 2: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.03.05
Knees have been feeling strangely cranky despite, or perhaps because of, not walking much this last week.

Monday, 22.03.06
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 115/125/135/145/135/125
OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95/85/75
BP: 3 @ 45/95/115/125/135/145
RW: 3 @ 135/145

Kept pretty strict time, and the bar speed is decent. Could be about time to increase, maybe next week.


1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft.

Tuesday, 22.03.07

1.6 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 150ft. The last, steepest and longest hill was closed for tree trimming, so I took a lesser hill to finish up.

Anaerobic: Lower Body
RDL: 2 @ 135/185; DL: 2 @ 225/235/245/255
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/165/175/185/195

Glycolytic: Pull

Concept II Rower: 3 mins, 662 total meters, 2:20 per 500 meters.

Everything felt pretty easy. It's starting to come.

Wednesday, 22.03.08
Anaerobic: Upper Body
OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95

Got in a quick session while helping my daughter make dinner.

Thursday, 22.03.09
1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft.

I was going to do my squats and the rower afterwards, but the walk made my knees a little cranky. I've learned in the past that the squats have to come first, but then decided I'd rather walk first today. Oh well.

Friday, 22.03.10

Saturday, 22.03.11

---------------Week 3: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.03.12
Knees have been a little cranky, so I'm giving them a break.

Monday, 22.03.13
1.1 mi walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 75ft.

Tuesday, 22.03.14
0.9 mi "Two Hills" walk with dog. 80ft.

I did the first two hills of my "Five Hills" walk. I'm thinking of doing this twice a day instead of a single four- or five-hills walk. My knees have been a little cranky lately, and I like the idea of a shorter walk. Maybe early in the morning and then again just before dinner, with the ST and conditioning done before lunch.

Wednesday, 22.03.15
Anaerobic: Upper Body
OP: 3 @ 45/70/80/90/95/90/80

Instead of subtracting by n pounds from the Target load, I subtracted by percentage--95%, 85%, 75% of the Target load--then rounded to the nearest five-pound increment. So the perceived ramping differentials or increases in intensity will remain constant among the different lifts and also within the lift as I begin to increase the loads.

Screenshot (4).png

Also, the Ramp load right before and after the Target load will now be closer to it, but the initial and middle ramps' loads will become progressively farther as the loads increase. So there will be somewhat more intensity around the Target load, but perhaps less fatigue overall. This will effectively give me three worksets, while the other ramps will become more like warmup sets. There is a chance I could do the last ramp set, the sixth set, which is 85% of the Target load, for reps from time to time, for any lift except the Deadlift.

Thursday, 22.03.16
1 mi walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 75ft.

The stairs leading down to the path in the woods, which follows an old trolley line, are full of snow, so I had to lower myself sliding down while holding onto the railing. My knees have still been a little cranky since last week, so at the end of the path, instead of coming up to street level, where there is no sidewalk next to the busy road I have to follow for some 300 feet before getting on the mid-century neighborhood's sidewalk, I simply doubled back, to stay on the softer snowy surface of the path. But I came out of the woods before I got to the section where I'd have to climb up the slippery steps. A road cuts through the the little strip of woods at about the midway mark of my walk.

I think once the snow is gone I'll simply double back all the way to the stairs, staying in the woods for most of the walk, although I kind of have it ingrained that I should do a loop when walking/running. I think the dirt-packed path, when it reappears, will also be easier on my knees than the concrete sidewalk of the neighborhood. And there's less chance of running into other dogs, so I can keep ours unleashed. She loves romping around the wooded area.

Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/145/165/185
RDL: 2 @ 135/

Felt a little instability in my back, shut it down, but probably would've been OK.

Glycolytic: Pull

Concept II Rower: 10 mins, 1770 total meters, 2:52 per 500 meters.

Friday, 22.03.17
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 110/125/140/145/140/125
RW: 3 @ 135/140/145
OP: 3 @ 45/70/80/90/95/90/85

Yah, felt good to have the ramps closer to the Target weight. I think it counts as three worksets.

0.9 mi "Two Hills" walk with dog. 80ft.

Saturday, 22.03.18

---------------Week 4: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.03.19

Monday, 22.03.20
Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/145/165/185

Got interrupted.

Anaerobic: Lower Body
RDL: 2 @ 135/185; DL: 2 @ 225/245/255

0.9 mi "Two Hills" walk with dog. 80ft. 36F 29WC.

First day barefoot since last fall. Still lots of snow, ice, and moisture but enough dry spots to get through it. All the small sidewalk pebbles for melting snow were at least as annoying.

Tuesday, 22.03.21
Anaerobic: Upper Body
RW: 3 @ 135/145/145
PD: 3 @ 115/125/140/145/140/130
OP: 3 @ 45/75/90/95/90/85

Experimenting with a tweak in which the first ramp is one of the 25- or 45-pound plate increments, but the Ramps before and after the Target set remain close to its load. This will effectively eliminate one ramp in many cases, making the first ramp the last warmup set. But it places the second ramp a little less than halfway between last warmup set and the first ramp set close to the Target, the third ramp.

When the loads increase, it'll become more logical I think, but it should make getting through the sets a little faster, still with decent volume at or close to workset loads. With fewer sets overall, I may have more motivation to ramp down more often after doing the Target set. So I'm shifting a little of the fatigue from before the Target set to afterwards.

0.9 mi "Two Hills" walk with dog. 80ft. 37F 31WC.

Wednesday, 22.03.22
1 mi walk with dog through woods. 75ft.

Thursday, 22.03.23
1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft.

Friday, 22.03.24
Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/145/165/185/195
RDL: 2 @ 135/185

Felt some instability in the back on the last RDL warmup set, so I shut it down. I've been getting full depth on the squats for the last few weeks, feels good.

Saturday, 22.03.25

2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 40F.

My knees are feeling better so I decided to try the the two-mile route. Nice day for barefooting, just a few remaining patches of ice/snow on the walks.

---------------Week 5: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.03.26
0.9 mi "Two Hills" walk with dog. 80ft. 31F.

Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 100/130/145/145/145
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/95/85

Seems like some of my former energy has returned, so I thought I'd try Straight Sets Across. Now that the lethargy has pretty much dissipated, I don't know if I need so many Ramp sets after the final warmup set. So actually, I'll just consider them all warmup sets until I get to the Target weight and get reacquainted with developing a feel for how many and at what weight to do them. Pretty standard approach.

I reduced weight on the last Overhead Press set because I felt some upper back stress on the second set. But I think I'll do the second half of this cycle with straight sets, and forgo the ramping.

Monday, 22.03.27
1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft. 36F

Tuesday, 22.03.28
Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 10 mins, 1700 total meters, 2:58 per 500 meters.

Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/155/175/185

While stretching my hammies this morning with each leg raised about waist high, my right quads kind of seized on me when that leg was raised. So I put off the workout till later, and warmed up with the rower before lifting. Squats felt fine, but I took it easy because of the earlier quad thing.

1 mi Two Hills walk with dog to store. 85ft. 34F, 26WC.

Wednesday, 22.03.29
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 100/145/145/145
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/95/95
BP: 3 @ 45/95/115/135/145/145/145

Hmmn, just two ramps (underlined) and then three sets across feels more productive. Something like this, with the option of doing down-ramps:

Screenshot (2).png

Where it makes sense, the first ramp will be one of the 25- or 45-plate increments--45/95/135/185/225/275/315--to keep things simple.

Thursday, 22.03.30
1.8 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 175ft. 32F, 28WC

Friday, 22.03.31
Anaerobic: Full Body
PD: 3 @ 105/125
OP: 3 @ 45/65
SQ: 3 @ 95
BP: 3 @ 45/95
RDL: 3 @ 135
RW: 3 @ 135

I feel pretty tired today, not really up for even moderate intensity. So I decided to do all six lifts at light weight. Now I'm considering going back to a simpler Aerobic/Anaerobic split, with the conditioning done on the Aerobic Day. I think I might be more consistent this way, as skipping a day of lifting won't screw up the weekly schedule as much, and I'm almost always up for at least a walk on any day, at any time of the day.

This might also help keep my knees from getting cranky again. On the lifting days, I'll just walk around the block or up and down our street's hill a half block from our house, for the dog's sake. On the walking days, I'll try to get in the full 2-mile version of the Hills walk. Then I'll do the rowing or sledding or both afterwards. That should take about an hour, about as much time as the six lifts will take once I get to decent resistances.

It's just hard to motivate for lifting every day. So, I've kind of come full circle, similar to the Running/Lifting split that used to work so well for me, and with the lifting done as straight sets across. I should look back on old threads and see how many warmup sets I was doing, but I've liked the simplified ramping of this week, so I might keep that.

Saturday, 22.04.01
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft.

We got 8.5 inches of snow overnight, but there were only three unshoveled sidewalks on my walk.

---------------Week 6: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.04.02

Monday, 22.04.03
Trip with the kids to Duluth to stay with a friend.

Tuesday, 22.04.04

Wednesday, 22.04.05
A short hike to frozen falls.

Thursday, 22.04.06
A hike out to Wisconsin Point

Friday, 22.04.07
Back home.

1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft.

Saturday, 22.04.08
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 105/125/145/145/145
RW: 3 @ 135
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/95/95

1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft.

---------------Week 7: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.04.09
Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/135/135

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 5 mins, 1008 total meters, 2:30 per 500 meters.

Monday, 22.04.10
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 105/125/145/150/150/150
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/100/100/100
BP: 3 @ 45/95/135/150/150/150

Finally got to the next training block.Three sets straight across is feeling good. I guess I don't need to ramp as much now that my shoulders are feeling good and I have better energy levels.

1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft.

Nice weather, so I tried an after-dinner time-slot. Feels good. Lots of dog-walkers at that hour.

Tuesday, 22.04.11
Anaerobic: Lower Body
DL: 3 @ 185/225/245
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/185/200/200

Everything felt pretty solid, but held off a bit since it's been a while.

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 5 mins, 1038 total meters, 2:27 per 500 meters.

Wednesday, 22.04.12
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 115/135/145/155/155/155
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/100/100

1.8 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 170ft. 86F!

Thursday, 22.04.13

Friday, 22.04.14

Saturday, 22.04.15

---------------Week 8: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.04.16
Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 95/135/155/175/175

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 10 mins, 1830 total meters, 2:45 per 500 meters.

Monday, 22.04.17
Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 115/135/155/155/155
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/100/100/95

1 mi walk with dog & daughter to park and back. 43ft.

Tuesday, 22.04.18
Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 95/135/155/175/185
RDL: 3 @ 135/185; DL: 2 @ 225/245, 1 @ 265

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 5 mins, 1053 total meters, 2:25 per 500 meters.

Wednesday, 22.04.19
Anaerobic: Upper Body
RW: 3 @ 135/145/155/155/
PD: 3 @ 115/135/145/155/155
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/100/100/100
BP: 3 @ 45/95/115/135/145/155/155

Thursday, 22.04.20

1.8 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 160ft

Friday, 22.04.21

Saturday, 22.04.22
1.65 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 185ft. 36F, 26WC!
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Goals for the Cycle: Get stronger and lose weight of course. I went for a short run and the next day there was again pretty acute soreness in both ankles again. It's time with summer coming to really get the weight down. So that will be my focus. I think I will force myself to start counting calories and weigh everyday, also no eating past 6pm. Let's see if I can drop 5 pounds by the end of the cycle. I might also up my protein again, it seems to keep me full.

---------------Week 1: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.02.26

Monday, 22.02.27

Tuesday, 22.02.28

WU Squats/PU
Rolluts - 3x10
DL - 4@135, 225, 245, Work Sets - 5x4@265
PC - 3@135, Work Sets - 5x3@145
PP - Work Sets - 5x3@145

Wednesday, 22.03.01
WU Fsquats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
Fsquats - 2@175, 195, 215, Work Sets - 5x2@230
Press - 10@45, 3@135, Work Sets - 5x3@145

Thursday, 22.03.02

Friday, 22.03.03

Saturday, 22.03.04
WU Squats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
Squats - 2@185, 205, 225, 245 Work sets - 5x1@270
PRows - 4@135, 155, 175, Work Sets - 5x4@180
Bench - 10@135, 3@185, Work Sets - 5x3@230
Calf Raises - 3x5@450

---------------Week 2: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.03.05

Monday, 22.03.06

Tuesday, 22.03.07
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
DL - 5@135, 3@225, 245, 265, 285, Work sets - 5x3@300
PC - 3@95, 2@115, 135, 155, Work sets - 5x2@175
PP - 5@95, 95, Work sets - 5x2@175

Wednesday, 22.03.08
WU Fsquats/PU
Roll outs - 3x10
Fsquats - 5@135, 155, 175, Work sets - 5x4@185
Pull ups - 6, 7
Press - 5@135, 2@145, 155, Work sets - 5x2@160

Thursday, 22.03.09

Friday, 22.03.10

Saturday, 22.03.11

---------------Week 3: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.03.12
WU Bench
Bench - 2x10@135, 5@185, 2@205, Work sets - 5x2@250
Squats - 5@135, 4@155, 175, 195, Work sets - 5x4@205
Roll outs - 3x10
Pull downs - 10@145, 8@160, 4@190, 3x4@205

Monday, 22.03.13

Tuesday, 22.03.14
WU - Squats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
DL - 8@135, 5@225, 2@275, 295, 315, Work sets - 5x2@335
P Rows - 5@135, 185, Work sets - 5x3@205
GHD SU - 3x10

Wednesday, 22.03.15

Thursday, 22.03.16
WU - Fsquats/PU
Roll outs - 3x10
Fsquats - 5@135, 155, 3@175, Work Sets - 5x3@205
Press - 8@95, 4@115, Work Sets - 5x4@135

Friday, 22.03.17

Saturday, 22.03.18

---------------Week 4: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.03.19

Monday, 22.03.20

Tuesday, 22.03.21
WU - Squats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
PC - 1@135, Worksets - 5x4@145
PP - Worksets - 5x4@145

Just an easy workout for the week.

Wednesday, 22.03.22

Thursday, 22.03.23

Friday, 22.03.24

Saturday, 22.03.25

---------------Week 5: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.03.26
WU Squats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
Squats - 3@185, 205, 225, Work Sets - 5x3@240
Pull downs - 10@145, 5x5@190
Bench - 10@135, Work Sets - 4x4@205, 10@205 finisher
Calf Raises - 5@315, 5x5@450

Well took the down week last week, it coincided with spring break. Was nice to get the new week off to a good start and the 1st week of the new cycle going. I have made another change to the week, it's now 4 days a week. I also sense a possible fail on the presses. I may drop the 5x2 day to 5x1 for that 170 set.


Monday, 22.03.27

Tuesday, 22.03.28
Planks - 3W40sec
DL - 4@225, 245, Worksets - 5x4@265
Prows - 5@135, 2@225, Worksets - 5x2@235
Rotationals - 2x10@80

Wednesday, 22.03.29

Thursday, 22.03.30
WU Fsquats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
Fsquats - 2@175, 195, 225, Worksets - 5x1@235
Press - 8@95, 5@115, 3@135 Worksets - 5x3@150

Friday, 22.03.31

Saturday, 22.04.01
WU Fsquats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
PC - 3@135, 155, Worksets - 5x3@165
PP - 3@135, 155, Worksets - 5x3@165

---------------Week 6: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.04.02
WU Bench
Bench - 10@135, 135, 3@185, 205, 225, Worksets - 5x3@235
PRows - 10@135, Worksets - 5x4@185

Monday, 22.04.03

Tuesday, 22.04.04

Wednesday, 22.04.05
WU Squats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
Squats - 3@185, 2@225, 245, 265, Worksets - 5x1@270
DL - 5@135, 3@225, 245, 265, 285 Worksets - 5x3@300

Thursday, 22.04.06

Friday, 22.04.07
WU Fsquats/PU
Roll outs - 3x10
PC - 5x2@185
PP - 5x2@185
Pull downs - 10@145, 5@160, 3x5@190
Inc Bench - 5@135, 3x3@185

Saturday, 22.04.08

---------------Week 7: Cycle II---------------
Sunday, 22.04.09

WU Fsquats/PU
Roll outs - 3x10
Fsquats - 5@135, 4@155, Worksets - 5x4@185
Press - 10@45, 8@95, 5@135, Worksets - 5x1@165

Monday, 22.04.10
WU Squats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
Squats - Worksets 5x4@225
Bench - 10@135, 2@225, 2@245, Worksets - 5x2@260
Calf raises - 5@350, 450, 450, 450
Rotationals - 10@ 90, 70, 70, 70, 70

Tuesday, 22.04.11
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
DL 3@225, 245, 265, 295, 315 Worksets - 5x2@335
Prows - 5@135, 185, 205, Worksets - 5x3@210
GHD SU - 3x10

Wednesday, 22.04.12

Thursday, 22.04.13

Friday, 22.04.14
WU Fsquats/PU
Rollouts - 3x10
Fsquat - 3@175, 195, Worksets - 5x2@210
Press - Worksets 5x4@135
Power clean - worksets 5x4@155
PP - Worksets - 5x4@155

Saturday, 22.04.15

---------------Week 8: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 22.04.16

Monday, 22.04.17

Tuesday, 22.04.18
WU Sqauts/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 3@185, 205, 225, Worksets - 5x3@245
Pull downs - 3x10@160
Bench - 10@135, 5x4@225
Calf raises - 3x5@450

Wednesday, 22.04.19

Thursday, 22.04.20

Friday, 22.04.21
WU Fsquats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Fsquats - 10@135, 4@185, 2@205, 2@225 Work Sets - 5x1@245
DL - Worksets - 5x4@275
Press - 3x135, Worksets - 5x3@155

Saturday, 22.04.22
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POC = Power Clean?
PP = Push Press?

I've been meaning to ask you, what do you see as the benefits of the Push Press compared to the strict press? I kind of like the idea of a more dynamic movement with more weight.

Yes correct, I changed it to PC from POC.

Honestly the only benefit for the push press is it helps me get heavier weight overhead, my sticking point is at my forehead this way I can get that area a bit more work. It also helps with speed. I would definitely still do both and if I had to choose I would go with the press.
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Hmnn, I wonder if doing 5-10 pounds more than my Target set as a Push Press would help advance my Overhead Press.
I am hoping it will do that too. I need to run it a cycle.

Funny how deep squats can really feel good, I think for mobility purposes deep squats are fundamental. I also read this to figure out how to get my squat strength up. There are some good points made here. I do think I have weak glutes though and need to figure them out.
I am hoping it will do that too. I need to run it a cycle.

Funny how deep squats can really feel good, I think for mobility purposes deep squats are fundamental. I also read this to figure out how to get my squat strength up. There are some good points made here. I do think I have weak glutes though and need to figure them out.
Whoa, when it rains it pours.That's an impressively detailed program!

That was a very good article thanks. I'm not sure if I buy his argument, but it seems plausible. I will try to remember some of the points and maybe even try warming up with planks. I kind of assumed that Deadlifts could go heavier because we use more of our back with it, but I also knew that elite lifters' Squats were closer to their Deadlifts, than us non-elite lifters'. Could be the back muscles that give the Deadlift an earlier advantage aren't more activated once the Squat gets heavy enough to employ those same muscles more and more for bracing.

I may also try the paused breathing, but it's unlikely, as it flies in the face of me trying to keep everything as simple as possible. Today I may have even tossed the ramping . . .

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