Nerve Arch Pain

Hey all,
I run barefoot a few times a week but always need to stop after about a mile due to some weird arch pain. It definitely is not plantar fasciitis. I would guess that it's nerve pain of some sort but I'm not for sure. I usually only feel it while I run or after my runs while walking. Striking more with my inner forefoot seems to make it worse so by mile 1 of my runs, I have to use the outside of my foot and more of a midfoot strike to avoid the pain. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Sorry for the late reply. If for sure it's not PF, you could get a friend to take a video of your running and post it to the Barefoot & Minimalist Running forum and the Ask the Docs forum, so they can see if it's a gait issue. How are you doing now?

Also, it's better to post in the forums if you are wanting a response than the blog area. Unfortunately, I don't think a lot of us, me included, check the blogs often enough

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Greg Lyon
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