My Cold Feet

It's only been about two months since I started running barefoot and it's already too cold to do it! November seemed to spell the end to a mild fall with the onset of several frosts. I was earnestly trying to bare the cold, but I suppose I've run into complications.

While during these two months I have been able to improve my running form immensely and have even increased my running mileage beyond that of my shod running mileage, my feet are still rather sensitive to what I call mild extremes. I say mild extremes because they aren't truly extreme, but to my feet, they are. My feet are very sensitive to the cold, but not what any experienced unshod runner would call cold. I'm talking about any temperature lower than the low-60's.

When the temperature gets below 60 I find that the concrete quickly drains any heat I have in my feet, quickly resulting in very sensitive feet, and if I run long enough, mild numbness. I say "mild numbness" to say that they "aren't completely there." as I've put it before. My form begins to suffer because I can't feel my feet as well which results in unnecessary blisters and muscle soreness.

This being said, I've decided to get some footwear. At first I was set on making my own huaraches, but between school and family I haven't had time to make them, or even get the supplies. So, taking advantage of a shoe sale at a local outdoor/fitness store, I purchased a pair of Vibram Five Fingers (VFF) Bikilas to run in the cold with. Also, I'll be able to run in the dark when I can't see sharp objects as easily, since often I don't have time to run until after sunset.

I still am trying to run barefoot when I can, but the temperatures keep dropping, so I find that my barefoot running time is ever decreasing.

So with that being said, I've gone three runs in the Bikilas and so far I'm enjoying them. It's nothing like going barefoot, but they are a satisfactory protection. They certainly protect my feet from the cold.

My first run was about 9 miles after dark. Most of the running that I've been doing is just around town, wherever I can find sidewalks/grass. The feeling of the road is very much decreased with the Bikilas, but still has no padding so as to prevent me from reverting my form (although I've been running enough by not landing on the heel that I'd like to think that I wouldn't' revert anyway). I definitely feel more confident to go faster in these but I fear that this is a false feeling of safety. Over all the 9 miler was very comfortable although I think I probably pushed too far for going in the Bikilas for the first time. I had a little soreness in my left calf and Achilles tendon during and after the run.

I also have been feeling some pain between my fifth and fourth metatarsals of my right foot, but that started after a month or so of running barefoot. I also have felt the same pain in my left foot, but it has come and gone. At first I feared stress fractures, but my right foot seems to be getting better after ample rest and I haven't noticed any pain there after my last 4 miler.

I'll post something on my latest run in another post. I'm very happy with the VFFs so far, however I look forward to running barefoot in the spring, but that seems too far off considering that Winter hasn't even started.


At least you have a plan, and you're thinking. Hurry up, spring! Although I do like the winter here too, but I am in Georgia (US), much more tolerable here.
Thanks for taking time to read and comment, TJ. Ido enjoy winter, I love snow very much, but why does it have to be so cold?!?!?
I was in a similar position last winter...just starting to get into running barefoot when the cold hit. I found I was still able to take the VFFs off for the last 2-3 blocks of my runs and it was short enough not to risk any frostbite while still maintaining a *little* sole conditioning. Of course, there's always the gravel marching.

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