Joy of a Barefoot Child, Part Two

A few weeks ago I wrote about running barefoot with my eleven-year-old son, Alex, in Barefoot Run: Ratingen, Germany and the Joy of a Barefoot Child. It was an experience I'll never forget. Since then a few people have emailed asking for an update. I'm happy to oblige.

Here's the conversation we had about running this weekend:

Me: “Alex, we haven't run together in a while. Why don't we go for a few kilometers today?”

Alex: “Dad, it's snowing.”

Me: “What's the big deal? You guys love playing in the snow.”

Alex: “Have you seen my nerf gun? I can't find it.”

Me: “Haven't seen it. So do you want to run or not?”

Alex: “You gotta see the new YouTube video of the Long Shot nerf gun. That thing is awesome!”

Me: “Hellllooo! We're talking about running here. Are we going?”

Alex: “Dad, only morons run in snow.”

Me: “No, only dads and sons with strong, warm, muscular feet from barefoot running.”

Alex: “God you're weird. And stop showing your barefeet to my friends when they come over. It's gross and you're freaking them out.”

Me: “Can't a man be proud of how his feet are developing?”

Alex: “Did you know you can make a bomb out of dry ice?”

Me: “Yeah….wait….what? Where did you hear that?”

Alex: “I saw it on YouTube. These guys blew up a car. It was awesome.”

Me: “Right. I guess that parental control software was a good investment.”

Alex: “Dad, your password is ‘1234'. Not really effective.”

Me: “Well let's go run and you can tell me all about it.”

Alex: “Does mom really need her car?”

Me: “Of course…Why?...Hey, don't even THINK about touching your mom's car. And bombs are no joke. As a kid I had a friend who got in big trouble for blowing up his neighbor's mailbox.”

Alex: “Cool. What did he use for explosives?”

Me: “I think it was a mixture of gunpowd…..Look, I'm gonna run without you.

Alex: “Cool. Can you run by Ziggy's and pick me up some Red Bull and firecrackers?

Me: “I'm not gonna buy you firecrackers.”

Alex: “Okay, then just the Red Bull.”

Me: “You know you aren't allowed to drink Red Bull.”

Alex: “But you already said ‘no' to the firecrackers.”

Me: “Do you think I'm a complete moron?”

Alex: “You're the one running barefoot in the snow.”

*Posted here at the BRS and at


Jake, nice post. I enjoy reading the conversations. ;-) Change the names and a couple of the variables, and they sound like conversations many of us have had w/family & friends.


They just get more sinister and manipulative as they get older huh? Great post, Ihad a good laugh.
Glad to hear my family isn't the only one that's a little "off".
Nothing more fun in this life than embarrassing our own kids. At these ages (9 and 11), it's like shooting fish in a barrel when they have friends over. "Hey honey, does this wart on my butt look infected to you?" It's so easy.
Asked my wife the other day at what point my son developed his sarcastic, surly streak . She said, "The womb."

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