Mileage Reporting 13th Week of 2013

Well I have really been getting back into it with my new dayshift schedule I feel much better and can run more regularly. I'm also walking ~2mi each day during lunch mon-thur. I didn’t chime in last week but Saturday got in 11 miles (been increasing about 10% each week on the long run, 10 the week prior and going for 12 tomorrow). This week so far I have in 9.3mi on Tuesday, and 9 in yesterday. But my soles are feeling it, the last few runs they have had the burning sensation, and I'm running just on smooth paved park trails still! Yesterday I got my first blister this year (and only the 3rd one ever), just a little blood blister on my middle toe of my right foot. Got to remember not to push with the toes, that got me in big trouble last year. And I dont think its pushing off (well maybe a little of that to) but I think I tend to push down with my toes to help arch my foot when I step on something like rocks and stuff, to take the pressure of. And yesterdays trail was scattered with bits of gravel and sharp chips.

Also another problem spot on my left foot, in the crease in the forefoot between the big toe and the second toe. This spot was a big problem in my transition, always very tender, and where I got my other blister. I didn't get a full fledged blister but enough friction or whatever that a little patch of skin turned white and now I've burned through it. Its minor and doesn’t bother me, but it is visible (well, barelt visible in the pic).

I was planning on starting today to introduce a low mileage run on my in between days to start running everyday (I currently run every other, or at least 3x week). But I think I'll hold off a bit and let my soles toughen up a few more runs first, especially with a long day coming up tomorrow.
Well I have really been getting back into it with my new dayshift schedule I feel much better and can run more regularly. I'm also walking ~2mi each day during lunch mon-thur. I didn’t chime in last week but Saturday got in 11 miles (been increasing about 10% each week on the long run, 10 the week prior and going for 12 tomorrow). This week so far I have in 9.3mi on Tuesday, and 9 in yesterday. But my soles are feeling it, the last few runs they have had the burning sensation, and I'm running just on smooth paved park trails still! Yesterday I got my first blister this year (and only the 3rd one ever), just a little blood blister on my middle toe of my right foot. Got to remember not to push with the toes, that got me in big trouble last year. And I dont think its pushing off (well maybe a little of that to) but I think I tend to push down with my toes to help arch my foot when I step on something like rocks and stuff, to take the pressure of. And yesterdays trail was scattered with bits of gravel and sharp chips.

Also another problem spot on my left foot, in the crease in the forefoot between the big toe and the second toe. This spot was a big problem in my transition, always very tender, and where I got my other blister. I didn't get a full fledged blister but enough friction or whatever that a little patch of skin turned white and now I've burned through it. Its minor and doesn’t bother me, but it is visible (well, barelt visible in the pic).

I was planning on starting today to introduce a low mileage run on my in between days to start running everyday (I currently run every other, or at least 3x week). But I think I'll hold off a bit and let my soles toughen up a few more runs first, especially with a long day coming up tomorrow.

Those are some nice, soft plushy soles, dude!!!
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(I currently run every other, or at least 3x week). But I think I'll hold off a bit and let my soles toughen up a few more runs first, especially with a long day coming up tomorrow.
I'm a big fan of of giving your soles a break when they need it!
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Another 2 KM of STG (skin to ground, translation for Dama). This spring I do not seem to feel the grit and gravel (not to much) that I feared last spring. I was a little worried as to how the soles would do after being min shod for most of the winter, but the conditioning of the soles seems to better than last spring. But still easing into the STG distance though, will keep increasing it slowly and do my long runs min shod for a while yet. :barefoot:
Another 2 KM of STG (skin to ground, translation for Dama). This spring I do not seem to feel the grit and gravel (not to much) that I feared last spring. I was a little worried as to how the soles would do after being min shod for most of the winter, but the conditioning of the soles seems to better than last spring. But still easing into the STG distance though, will keep increasing it slowly and do my long runs min shod for a while yet. :barefoot:
I am happy for you!
This evening ran 3.7 miles and bottoms of feet are slightly tender. Temps reached 75 degrees. The trail I run on was busy with runners (all were wearing shoes) and bicycle riders. Will probably take a day off from running tomorrow.
Went barefoot all day today and spent about 3 hours planting some wildflower seeds which I collected last fall. (another of my too darn many hobbies that I have) :) Its raining now and the seeds are gong to need it. The soil was very dry. Planted some purple coneflower, purple prarie clover, butterfly weed, and prarie coneflower.
This evening ran 3.7 miles and bottoms of feet are slightly tender. Temps reached 75 degrees. The trail I run on was busy with runners (all were wearing shoes) and bicycle riders. Will probably take a day off from running tomorrow.
Went barefoot all day today and spent about 3 hours planting some wildflower seeds which I collected last fall. (another of my too darn many hobbies that I have) :) Its raining now and the seeds are gong to need it. The soil was very dry. Planted some purple coneflower, purple prarie clover, butterfly weed, and prarie coneflower.
ooo, butterfly weed. I've had bad experiences with that being invasive...
ooo, butterfly weed. I've had bad experiences with that being invasive...

Was yours the store bought hybrid butterfly weed or a natural variety form the wild? I have a butterfly weed that my wife and I bought about 5 years ago and it too can be a problem at times. Its one of those plants that every seed seems to be viable and the darn things keep popping up all over. The ones I planted yesterday are wild ones I picked while near Mankato, KS. Im hoping they wont be quite so invasive. In the area I collected the seed from there didnt seem to be overwhelming nmbers of them. Guess we will see what happens. Last night a thunderstorm rolled through with down pouring rain.
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9 or so blissful saturday morning miles. started out a bit cold (19F), slowly warmed as the sun came up. the temps may be frigid in the morning, but that wasn't stopping the birds and other critters from getting their spring activities going. highlights: sandhill cranes, loud geese, black squirrels, as well as a new calf at place with a few of my favorite cute cows, sheep, horses, was feeling downright bucolic. the run part? fine. legs fresh. took it slow and easy on the way out, had plenty left over to pick it up on the way back.
Was yours the store bought hybrid butterfly weed or a natural variety form the wild? I have a butterfly weed that my wife and I bought about 5 years ago and it too can be a problem at times. Its one of those plants that every seed seems to be viable and the darn things keep popping up all over. The ones I planted yesterday are wild ones I picked while near Mankato, KS. Im hoping they wont be quite so invasive. In the area I collected the seed from there didnt seem to be overwhelming nmbers of them. Guess we will see what happens. Last night a thunderstorm rolled through with down pouring rain.
It was nearly 15 years ago that I bought the seed. I don't think it was hybrid seed. I think it was only in the last year that I haven't seen any more seedlings. I don't mind hardy and self-sowing, but when the young seedlings early on get the type of roots that reach to China or cling to the soil like vice grips, I call that invasive. Hope yours work well.
I had an easy-paced longer run with about 20 others this morning. The stated distance was about 33 miles but I only got to do 27 due to a prior commitment. The route involved crossing all the bridges that serve Manhattan. 14 people did the entire route, a few left after 15 - 20 miles and 3of the 14 were going to run back into NJ, having come from there in the morning, and will end up with about 50 miles for the day!
19 of my miles were barefoot with the rest in Altra Adams.
Went on a low-key 2 hours ride in the country with the local cycling group. Was thinking about fitting in a run, too, but just got word that one son and his fiance' are towing back one of our cars after a deer jumped in front of them. The kids are okay. The deer is dead, the car apparently totaled. I think I'm done for the day.
Found a new game today....Draw an unknown route on your favourite map, in my case along the Sydney suburban jungle, memorise it, and go for it ! Once you come back, compare the result (again on your favourite map) , obviously goal is to reach the 100% !

Today I did an 18km (11mi) trail on the dangerous and not (so) dirty footpath around my area, and succeeded in my quest of perfection !! Yay !!

Brings my total for the week to 53km (33mi)

And happy Easter to everyone !!!
Went on a low-key 2 hours ride in the country with the local cycling group. Was thinking about fitting in a run, too, but just got word that one son and his fiance' are towing back one of our cars after a deer jumped in front of them. The kids are okay. The deer is dead, the car apparently totaled. I think I'm done for the day.

I'm glad that it was only the deer that came to its end!
I'm glad that it was only the deer that came to its end!
Yeah, the sheriff commended my son on keeping the car straight and in his lane, while braking at 65 mph and having a deer block his windshield. When people swerve, they tend to roll their cars.

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