what do you think about nudism? you like it or disapprove it?

Same argument used against bare feet... The fact that someone doesn't like the way other people look, is not reason for those people to alter or cover themselves. The same argument could be made about people with "ugly" faces. And it would be as invalid a reason for asking people to cover their "ugly" bodies.

so true brother,

i see some bodies in the beach that are for me disgusting i have to say, but i respect them, also when obesity and sedentarism are so widespread ugly bodies are everywhere

Yea, yea, yea! I know, I know, I know. But (or butt) our bodies are "private" our feets are not, at least around these parts...or our parts...or whatevers.

only because of culture and tradition, there are no private in reality, our ancestors were naked, dogs are naked etc

they are as private as the need of woman for wear burka

, there are some tribes that are even ashamed to show the knees whilst there are tribes that everyone goes naked

clothes were invented and used only for weather conditions, humans in tropical weathers didn't used it, only when they go at europe etc

using clothes became habit then the habit became so strong that not wearing clothes was considering shameful and wrong whatever

my dog was perfectly fine naked

also, thanks to excess of covering the body humans became vitamin D deficiency, specially the black people, which is horrible, it causes brain damage, vitamin D boost brain's power

also with that extreme disinformation about how dangerous the sun is and how we need sunscreen, yes sunscreen, the same product that has cancirogen chemicals that goes trhought the skin and also blocks vitamin D production (vitamin D is anticancerigen which prevents cancer)

so sunscreen = no vitamin D plus cancerigen trhough skin

Now, who wants to play Truth or Dare?

me lol
And once upon a time, it was okay to own other humans in those parts (and before that, in many other parts). Just because something is a law, or a social taboo, does not mean that it should not be questioned. All of these assumptions, "that the body is private", "that is it okay to own other humans", "that one should not go to restaurants barefoot", "that one should never question authority", "that our parents and teachers are always correct", that "marriage is between a man and a woman" are all assumptions that SHOULD be questioned... and after all, that's exactly what this discussion is doing.

I'm not saying that everyone should be required to go naked, no matter if they want to or not (just as the rights of homosexuals to marry, despite what some argue, has no effect on heterosexual marriages - no one is saying that we all must get "gay married"). But the idea that others find the sight of mine, or anyone else's body (or feet, or face, or handicap - yes it's not uncommon enough for individuals to be offended by those with handicaps appearing in public - or marriage) offensive, is not reason at all to force others to cover up and hide from public (or pubic :) ) view.

Of course, most of us will comply with most laws (no matter how stupid), most of the time, not because of the assumption that "all laws are reasonable" (laws are made by people, and most people don't even understand what "reasonable" means). We comply (most of the time) simply because we don't like to be jailed, pay fines, be scorned, or beaten up by police or mobs of "unruly" people.
again so true brother

that remember me the quote "everything Hitler did in german was legal" martin luther king

i remember also miley cyrus told how her grandma who was born in 30's was shocked with the fact that a black person is now the president of the united states

the people in the future will think how stupid many things of society of today are, humans i believe are not so intelligent in reality, only a minority is truly intelligent, the majority don't tend to be dumb but they aren't much intelligent either

also only a minority of people always had controlled the majority, trhought all history of humans
can you explain a little bit more that quote please? i kind of liked it but didnt fully understood
What I mean is any bit of power you give over to the government, they are going to use that as president to take more. I think people look at using the government to control other people's behavior the wrong way. People shouldn't ask if controlling that type of behavior is the right thing to do, people should ask how can it be used against me if I give that power up. Take vaccines for instant, and I think this applies if you approve of vaccines or not. We are currently in a very scary time when it comes to giving the government the power to inject us what is considered a medical product for the good of the public and the government is using a very minor outbreak to make laws tighter with respect to that control. While vaccines may or may not be the answer to disease control, giving them total control over what can be injected in our bodies can be used as precedence to force us to inject, swallow, ect. an item for the good of the public. Also, this is pushing into areas of freedom of religion and the right to an education as some states want to give up the right to refuse on religious grounds and they want to make it impossible to go to public schools without the forced injections. I am not trying to push this into a personal debate on whether or not people should vaccinate, that is a personal decision, what I want you to think about is what power you give up if you no longer have a choice.

This of course applies to nudity, barefootedness, ect.
What I mean is any bit of power you give over to the government, they are going to use that as president to take more. I think people look at using the government to control other people's behavior the wrong way. People shouldn't ask if controlling that type of behavior is the right thing to do, people should ask how can it be used against me if I give that power up. Take vaccines for instant, and I think this applies if you approve of vaccines or not. We are currently in a very scary time when it comes to giving the government the power to inject us what is considered a medical product for the good of the public and the government is using a very minor outbreak to make laws tighter with respect to that control. While vaccines may or may not be the answer to disease control, giving them total control over what can be injected in our bodies can be used as precedence to force us to inject, swallow, ect. an item for the good of the public. Also, this is pushing into areas of freedom of religion and the right to an education as some states want to give up the right to refuse on religious grounds and they want to make it impossible to go to public schools without the forced injections. I am not trying to push this into a personal debate on whether or not people should vaccinate, that is a personal decision, what I want you to think about is what power you give up if you no longer have a choice.

This of course applies to nudity, barefootedness, ect.

i agree, also i consider vaccines suspicious, after discover many hoax they make (look at shoes for example)

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