New Barefoot Runner In Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia

I am so new to barefoot running (3 weeks) but now having a hard time putting shoes on for other activities like going to the grocery store. Not that my feet hurt or anything it's just that I hate wearing shoes now. I also hate grocery shoping but it is a necessity. My wife suggested I look into BR when she started looking into it to help with her stride and repeated back issues from a few car accidents. My first time running without shoes I felt like a kid who was given permission to go play with your shoes off. I was amazed how my posture changed. I was looking up and out and enjoying the glorious view here in Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia. My nomal running route ends with a view of the ocean and 2 islands from the top of a hill. I always felt that I was in heaven and now I feel in heaven. It is a powerful thing to feel the earth beneath your feet and know that you are a part of it. My normal running route can range between 6km and 18km.( I am in pain the whole time. My gluts, IT bands and my hips are the worst. I was so excited when I ran 'sans soulier' and NO PAIN. Here's the scoop...I have no left arch as you can see in the picture. I've tried 5 pairs of orthotics which I've had to get rid of because of the pain. My wife introduced me to ascics 6 years ago to help me get in shape. And they worked and I was able to become fit enough to call myself an athlete. So here I am trying to take it to the next level and the shoes aren't working and I don't know how to deal with the pain anymore. I have built up my distance slowly and now average 5km every other day. Right now I am running on cement sidewalks, ashphalt and grass. I am looking forward to trying the Flyer Trail and the Salt Marsh Trail, which is a fine crushed gravel.

My wife and I and her 22 year old son are planning a Huarache making party as soon as we get the kits in the mail. Not sure how I'll do with these because I'm really enjoying going barefoot. So far we've been getting a range of strange looks but not a stretch for 2 out lesbians. Yesterday we were forced inside because of a torential downpour. The Dartmouth Sportsplex ( has a great track which is above the arena with a new surface that is great for running. We met a women who just ran the Bluenose Marathon ( in Vibram 5 fingers. There was another women running who I see often. As she ran past me she pointed to my feet and said "that's the best way to do it". I don't think the running shoe companies would go this far. One in particular...JUST DO IT!

Gotta Run (this is me)


Running minimalist has been AWESOME for my bad back and bad hips and bad shoulders too! It has totally improved my posture as well. I love it!

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