a more interesting blog

I've decided that since I enjoy reading all of your blogs so much, I'll put a little more effort into making mine an interesting read.

When I was around 10, the summer olympics were taking place and a bunch of us thought that we'd like to run a marathon. 37 odd trips around my best friend's yard (maybe it was a mile total, I can't remember) and the experiment was over - we moved on to street hockey - more fun.

Back in a previous life, I was in the Marine Corps. Running wasn't fun, it just was. Admitedly, getting up early in the morning and running the hills in the thick fog of Monterey CA with a bunch of other jarheads was a pretty good time, as long as the thoroughly hung over corporal in front of you was able to keep his cookies to himself. Most guys who had to blow chunks were kind enough to leave formation and then hop back into place. If you are familiar with Monterey, it is very hilly. I just remembered this recently, after all the years, that one of the Marines stationed there used to run barefoot - we all thought he was crazy, but boy was that kid fast.

I did dabble with the women's run team for a while, but then graduated and went on to Goodfellow Airforce Base in the middle of TX - not hilly. Running there was even less fun. Our Commanding Officer was an ass. He looked a little too much like Hitler which did not help things.

Flash forward about 5 lifetimes (ten-ish years ago). Running now sounds like a really good idea. Six miles in one hour, three times/week - I'm feeling pretty good about life and my running prospects. Then IBS and a testy runner's knee move in. Three rounds of PT and LOTS of Aleve later, I hang up my New Balance shoes, not even knowing that they were most of the problem. Almost every summer since then, I've broken out my photocopies of stretches (you'd be amazed at just how many pages I've collected over the past decade) to give it another try, only to end up not being able to kneel or sit cross legged without feeling alot older than I really was.

So to all of you who have written/blogged/tweeted or otherwise shared about barefoot running - Jason Robillard, Angie B, Barefoot Ken Bob, Steve at Invisible Shoe and a whole slew of others whose websites, musings and blogs I've dutifully bookmarked and visited often - Thank You!

With my foam roller (and can of husband's shaving cream if we're traveling), huaraches, knee strap and old socks to keep my hands warm and nose clean in the cold NM winter, I'm off to the San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon.

Thanks for reading - Sara



Good luck with the marathon! Be sure to let us know how it goes!


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