How did you get into bare feet running?


Jun 19, 2019
How did you get into bare feet running?

I watched a ted video on youtube called Are we born to run by Christoher McDougall and then searched out information on the internet about Christopher McDougall and realized he was into bare feet running and watch another video by him about how trainers are causing injuries and how bare feet running is so natural and decided to give it a try and really enjoy it.

The internet can open up your world. I got into a high plant based diet because of watching videos by Dr Ornish and other American doctors about healthy eating and preventing diseases. The internet helped me find studies from Harvard University about high plant based diet and health, how junk food causes diseases etc. A lot of this information is not in public domain in South Africa. The private media here do not run articles that show their advertisers in a bad light.
I was out on a 10K leisure run when I developed horrible pain in my toes on my left foot. I thought I had broken my toes, so I stopped, rubbed them, and the pain went away. Turns out, I developed Morton's Neuroma (an interdigital compression perineural fibroma condition where scar tissue develops between the metatarsals along the nerve sheath). This condition is directly related to wearing/running in the wrong types of footwear, those that have an elevated heel and narrow toe boxes. I subsequently developed it in my right foot as well. If you're interested to know more, please check out my blog post here:
This condition is directly related to wearing/running in the wrong types of footwear, those that have an elevated heel and narrow toe boxes. I subsequently developed it in my right foot as well. If you're interested to know more, please check out my blog post here:

Thank You for sharing Barefoot TJ. I will check out your blog, I find it very interesting that running shoes can cause injury considering marketers have brainwashed us to believe they prevent injury. I read there isn't one scientific study that proves that running shoes prevent injury.
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The internet is a great resource. It's also a great place to get misinformation, incomplete information, information that has been taken out of context to support an ideology, etc. Internet sources tend to gloss over possible downsides. Please do your diligence, actively look for contrarian views and think critically about everything. There are pitfalls with switching to bare feet. Hopefully you already know what to watch out for ... there are resources here if you don't. As to the vegan thing ... there are potential problems there, too. Do it wrong and your health will decline. You should read this if you haven't yet: I would also be concerned about protein. As men age, they develop anabolic resistance, a reduced ability to absorb protein. You need more if you want to maintain muscle mass. Aging vegans often go down one of two paths. Frailty, because they don't get enough protein, or obesity, because they do get enough protein but it comes packaged with a lot of other calories and they no longer exercise enough to burn them off. Be careful out there.
The internet is a great resource. It's also a great place to get misinformation, incomplete information, information that has been taken out of context to support an ideology, etc. Internet sources tend to gloss over possible downsides. Please do your diligence, actively look for contrarian views and think critically about everything. There are pitfalls with switching to bare feet. Hopefully you already know what to watch out for ... there are resources here if you don't. As to the vegan thing ... there are potential problems there, too. Do it wrong and your health will decline. You should read this if you haven't yet: I would also be concerned about protein. As men age, they develop anabolic resistance, a reduced ability to absorb protein. You need more if you want to maintain muscle mass. Aging vegans often go down one of two paths. Frailty, because they don't get enough protein, or obesity, because they do get enough protein but it comes packaged with a lot of other calories and they no longer exercise enough to burn them off. Be careful out there.

I use the tor browser and deep version of duckduckgo search engine.
https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion. I get information from reliable sources like Harvard University studies, Oxford University Studies, the British newspaper The Guardian.

I know the pitfalls of running bare feet, it is the same as running with trainers i.e. over training and picking up injuries. Too much repetition leads to injuries that is how the vast majority of runners get injured over training, I don't over train and since I have changed over to bare feet running I have cut back more until my legs and feet get use to it.

A high plant based diet is not vegan or vegetarian. It means that you a diet a high in fruit and vegetables, low in meat, dairy, fat and sugar. The longest living groups of people around the world has these three things in common, they eat a diet very high in fruit and vegetables and very low in meat and dairy. A high plant based diet is being flexitarian (semi vegetarian). I cut back on dairy, but I still eat way too much meat because I grew up in a family that eats meat and mom still gives me left over food still that contains meat. I eat a lot of white meat i.e chicken which is a lot cheaper than red meat here and healthier than red meat. The main meat in South Africa is chicken. Turkey people only have here for Christmas, the shops only stock it then.

Some meat and diary is good, too much meat and diary is bad for you. In the West(America) you eating way too much meat, diary and processed foods and not enough fruit and vegetables.

McDonalds alone just on advertising in 2010 spend 4.2 billion dollars in the US. That is not selling that is mind control. (The Guardian is non profit newspaper unlike the New York Times and Washing Post)

The junk food industry is now in the third world destroying people's health.
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Dr Campbell and his team did one of the longest studies into nutrition and his studies showed that those who ate high plant based diet, fewer animal products, mainly plant products had a lower risk of cancer.

Harvard University medical researchers and so do Oxford University researchers and the scientific community believe that we should be eating more fruit and veg.

""The five-a-day guidelines were based on World Health Organisation recommendations issued in 1990, which advised consuming 400g of fruit and vegetables each day to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, type-two diabetes and obesity."

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